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[词汇辅导] 托业词汇辅导:商用词汇充电篇-30

发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
; ^, S# B# D, L  T2 d' R上期复习 Among the most important benefits to the new employee were good health insurance coverage and sick leave.
0 |# R+ c! k, ^4 d; ~, I& I8 A福利,利益,得益于
( s" Q% P3 K1 L% h
$ j! S0 R4 U) ^( x- Z下面是上期的一些造句.
/ G5 i* u' e0 JThe best benefits of the company are to provide good welfare for the employers. So it is very easy to recruit advanced talents.2 _* _$ P/ V6 R2 Q6 i1 z
# F* w# y, w2 l# q' ~+ T8 E  B
This forum is of great benefit to me.
' s  u" }% ~9 b# V1 d. H
: q, M5 R- E. mThere is a benefit play tonight, shall we go?
6 }; Z* a6 d; c/ S9 |1 F+ }
5 }  ]8 y  ~% V' \9 P0 CExcept for base pay, her company provides a lot benefits for all the regular employee.
9 F" S4 {' l! r4 g2 A9 W
( R1 s& t. T, k; ZRegular life brings you much more benefits than you think!* h, V8 }! P7 n) q! C! K# |* w: b% v

8 q# r: v! O. X4 T- v  B! EThe benefits of all people are more important than the single's.
% m: y+ b6 G4 ^2 L( [( ]What benefits all of the people is more important than what benefits a single person.% S8 c8 a- I8 y& R6 Y+ ?  K" R3 Q
& E4 u/ e1 E! W8 j, o/ s( w+ ?( J$ t
I get lots of benefits from everyday exercises!
% [/ V( ^7 e4 ?8 b; L4 RI benefit a lot from exercising everyday.
* t1 O4 V7 Q! M/ H4 V$ E: l
0 ]" d5 v- y2 SEach worker should have the right to enjoy the benefits provided by company.
9 V9 N! `" _( m% I& z4 QEach worker should have the right to enjoy the benefits provided by his/her company.
' x+ W0 ^; Y1 O! K  Y8 x: ^" v  X, {9 }$ C$ t1 f
The rural students will benefit from the fund of Hoping Project.& Q4 l7 Z. V3 `3 x, m; T
The rural students will benefit from Project Hope.
$ I+ V- A% }$ B, R( [# x' }7 \$ D, z; r
I’ve done it for his benefit., Y% W) j8 ]# _5 ?: {0 I$ ]
I did it for his benefit.
( m: j  }5 s$ Q7 L
0 p3 O# F. c$ s& a$ W8 OHe got a lot of benefits from his new job.
& ?5 V( h3 {) y& S! K4 N, m& M' E3 d5 oHe receives a lot of benefits from his new job.) c: {( _4 b3 ]2 N+ m/ w# V5 s6 \
9 d4 W  f/ `& P; o$ j, I% {5 _
Our company provides a great benefit for the new employees.
* A% V7 f# |4 p8 ]Our company provides great benefits for the new employees.
" U( \& O, V8 n& T3 H! b* O
) F; s9 Q. v6 d# [7 o$ b% J" s2 f  [9 `5 c3 Q  [7 \7 Q
Section2; V$ m( |( @; B' O7 y! w; o
The most common forms of remuneration for work in that company are weekly salary and cash bonuses.
6 K  i( n( ^, V+ I* \3 ?(a) vacation
: k7 |( a* ~7 F6 P(b) recognition% S2 @* q# P" Z6 ]& z
(c) pay: N3 s' |% h9 L7 W
(d) schedule

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