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[词汇辅导] 商业托福TOEIC词汇专题:statisticalfigures(1)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:34:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
bank account balance 银行的存款
6 J5 Q& _% a7 a5 W8 wreal estate transaction 房地产交易, G# y3 ^! b) l  c
credit card 信用卡2 y2 J/ a- Y" @! A) {
utilities 水电气费
6 h, @4 M; }: y" Y* Pcurrency exchange 货币兑换" z6 e# f* t8 ~& j
as long as 只要
3 w: H* o1 v* _* u- m3 b4 das many as 多达
% K3 X0 |( k+ g' q9 xas much as 和……一样多% k7 v$ b5 S, K& n& u
checking account 活期存款3 Z; K" J( ~& ^4 K# B# Y& J5 y
acute 敏锐的0 z) \  g) Q; y$ V7 p: D. f9 D
affluent 丰富的0 u8 R" |: ^; I. G$ {8 T2 t
approval rating 支持率4 P& {8 P0 h$ W$ V4 S' {
be on the increase 增加中5 d4 {7 j# n. H" T3 E% h
death of 缺乏……, l1 T5 ?3 r, h1 g
death toll 死亡人数
7 F7 T& D3 `0 v3 kfast fading 急速消失
6 o- k8 Q" p7 `, _; D+ ?9 bhamper 阻碍,抑制
) B$ B0 s/ w& W/ M0 x5 w( jlong-standing 经年累月的

使用道具 举报

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