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[听力辅导] (TOEIC)听力短对话要点:动作和行为

发表于 2012-8-15 00:40:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
, ~0 E6 S4 i& U  a; J% N/ N  1,make a phonecall
7 O& }& _' M6 n  @: ], p# C6 \1 j  pick up the receiver drop the coins in the slot dial the number busy signal cut offto
. t  e* H) d! G0 e, z4 o  the line is busy pedial/try again get throught(接通)hold on hang up
& c8 f- A) `! U" O8 u9 j. h  operator(接线员)answer the call call back(回话)
" |+ j% O! n. s/ z; D8 @  2,playing /listening to music
  w9 S+ d- U! R  album/record(唱片)record palyer(唱机)turn table(唱机转盘)stereo (立体声音响)! V4 K( Q. i0 N: m% i
  cassette(盒式录音带)loud speaker (喇叭)jazz songs
* l' j- w6 D* }  3,riding bicycle
5 o! W9 M* S: e% ~! j  miles tire is flat tire needs air pedal(蹬车)+ C9 A; W2 [6 }/ N1 Z
  4,asking for direction* b- F9 ~5 O1 G2 L
  I wish I could find I wonder how I can get It must be around here somewhere
) c& J& S( ^( l. m2 ?) E: G  5,greeting
" I5 B8 h1 l& \. P7 l  how have you been ?how are you how are you going how are you doing6 E3 x# [9 r% M- @
  6,mailing a package$ c8 F. T4 }2 s
  brown paper(牛皮纸)sting(细绳)tape(胶带)scissors(剪子)weigh

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