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[听力辅导] 听力必背120个重要习语(二)

发表于 2012-8-15 00:40:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  hang on - keep hold of; persevere; keep doing something1 r8 N' }8 [) }/ F: T: H/ n
  hard to come by - difficult to obtain" B& z0 U" e* ^- z* q
  have a heart - have kind feelings; be understanding
  B: S' B$ U2 w9 z  have a hunch - have an idea based on feelings rather than reason
) }- ?4 k5 Q5 L  hold off - delay; postpone6 j1 X6 x5 I9 x3 r1 f' r
  hop to it - get started on something quickly
) @3 p) L' C8 s1 O  A! h; U  hit it off - get along well with someone
1 _: @9 \- ?* F* E  ill at ease - uncomfortable* @5 J- x* y9 r6 `7 Q7 c. m
  in hot water - in trouble/ V9 }1 |1 ^$ |8 }0 Y& R  x) `, C0 E
  in the air -uncertain& D% u; L1 o9 f
  in the dark - keep someone without knowledge; information from someone  W$ a2 s: s# d3 Z2 n" Z6 `% y
  in the lone run - looking toward the future; eventually
1 ~0 l; m1 M& s; X9 @. t6 ^! d. n( r5 Z  ins and outs - all the details; the various parts and difficulties to be seen2 s7 s+ s. w% \4 }+ q. ]
  iron out - remove the difficulties or find an answer for1 S0 E& M( \/ K1 \1 |
  jump to conclusions - arrive too quickly at a decision or opinion
, ]. ?7 b1 [$ L4 Z& P6 Y  keep an eye on - watch closely
! i: P+ E; A, S  keep one's fingers crossed - wish that nothing goes wrong
3 U4 @, F) \1 R# A( K8 B  keep on one's toes - be ready for action; prepared
( b8 Q2 |/ b0 n& w  x  knock oneself out - make a great effort6 @* `- S2 \( s# f4 O
  learn the ropes - learn the rules and routines of a place or activity( Z) N+ }" }$ m" u- }
  little by little -gradually
2 p* a1 h# w; F' ?8 a  make ends meet - to get just enough money for one's needs
2 ?% k5 a1 k: U7 M  make out - manage; get along
6 }/ l! u- i9 h! s9 ?3 e- u' S  mean to - intentional; on purpose1 C; C: o& ?0 j! B7 _
  might as well - to have no strong reason not to6 o$ u. S5 t5 ^1 R' b2 y9 g3 F
  next to nothing - almost nothing; very inexpensive
8 r- e6 t0 L4 k5 ~  not to mention - in addition9 P+ B" [9 b* d' R- }9 z* M+ a3 u
  off balance - unaware; off guard& J, d9 |3 [( k  y. c: o+ A# U
  on the go - working or doing something all the time
8 M% P5 z* G- C1 N  on pins and needles - nervous; anxious; full of anticipation
7 T( K5 e" A, S, b% O6 g0 v  on purpose - deliberately; intentionally
1 U# W. V: v" Q+ D7 U* ]  on the blink - not working properly; broken" M" j4 A& C$ r6 l$ C
  on the right track - thinking or doing something correctly. E4 T9 L1 w+ O9 w' {
  on the tip of one's tongue - to be about to remember something
* y! S  E% j7 r- W' d/ h) K  once in a blue moon - rarely; almost never) Q4 r7 w& E0 ~5 L2 o4 x
  out of it - not involved in7 P7 {# F5 l* t5 w7 f8 I9 i4 `+ g) A
  pick up the tab - pay the bill or the cost of something2 t7 H: ^7 J& W  i' n
  piece of cake - easy
! [0 ~1 y) L" o8 i0 i' x  play by ear - act spontaneously; without planning
( U8 d) {9 `  o& o: _  pill it off - accomplish. m6 m( q4 P* J, t$ a* {
  pull one's leg - make fun of someone in a playful way; make someone believe something that is not true/ i8 `3 y) P7 M( x; H0 V' s
  quite a few - many- I  f( r" U( ?4 k
  raise the roof -angry
8 l% O. }6 N2 E, f4 ~& Y2 H  right away - immediately
" n9 V4 c# ^# G  T6 D2 b. @  run for office - compete for an elected position2 I: G/ e+ W: h; B' N7 \1 y$ ]
  save one's breath - to keep silent because talking would not achieve anything$ d9 u6 A2 H) b* u  l3 B4 j* z' w: Z) v
  say that again - a saying that means; I agree completely7 Z. u8 D4 w7 M# l
  stone's throw - short distance
: Z3 X% [! O: W/ h  f% y  search me - an answer that means; I don't know, S  }# u5 \% P* h8 c
  serves one right - is deserving of7 t, ~/ x+ P( @8 S" B+ g
  sleep on it - think about something for a while! ]) ^5 H. ~0 L3 R
  straighten up - clean up; make tidy: v# p3 A6 ?: _2 s0 O3 ~2 S
  take a break - rest for a while; stop one's work or activity
9 m5 ^! f5 f+ w  think nothing of it - that's all right
: x! z( {, K) ~( B  throw cold water on - discourage; lessen enthusiasm for
" J1 ]' N1 k; J2 O, D% Z# m  to say the least - at the lowest estimate1 w% [' w$ H4 [  J$ K& U. |
  touch on - mention a subject briefly
3 X" K3 Q' \9 `* @% n* s( m, V& I  under the water - not feeling well
7 @9 _  {( ^2 J7 p5 ~: Y# o  wait around - waiting in vain
  T2 X( M* c3 a  X% i% A+ I5 D  wait on - attend as a servant; serve7 \1 ]9 m" F$ U. M( E: k
  well worth the trouble - it deserves the inconvenience or trouble
2 h! A; B& j8 f3 m. f: E  whole new ballgame - an entirely different situation) j2 z! \* |: F6 l$ B
  with flying colors - succeed very well$ r' T+ R3 A" n
  without a hitch - without difficulty or delay

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