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发表于 2012-8-15 11:41:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  31.Islam,on the other hand,represented a radical breakaway from the Arab paganism that preceded it;Islamic law is the result of an examinationfrom a religious angle,of legal subject matter that was far from uniform,comprising as it did the various components of the laws of pre-IslamicArabia and numerous legal elements taken over from the non-Arab peoples of the conquered territories.# v* \. |7 Z9 V& u
8 R  X" |9 l, X7 _; G* F- j  32.One such novel idea isthat of inserting into the chromosomes of plants discrete genes that are not a part of the plants’ natural constitution:specifically,the idea of inserting into nonleguminous plants the genes,if they can be identified and isolated,that fit the leguminous plants to be hosts for nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Hence,the intensified research on legumes.8 Q' p8 H6 p8 j
2 t& V+ P; U9 z- j; Z  33.It isone of nature’s great ironies that the availability of nitrogen in the soil frequently sets an upper limit on plant growth even though the plants’ leavesare bathed in a sea of nitrogen gas.
( Z1 f; M$ \; c" ]  下述情形真可谓是自然界的一个莫大讽刺:土壤中所能获得的氮肥量往往对植物的生长构成了一个上限,虽然植物的叶子被沐浴在一片氮气的海洋中。! u$ k6 J0 J) a+ ^2 v; V
  34.Unless they succeed,theyield gains of the Green Revolution will be largely lost even if the genes inlegumes that equip those plants to enterinto a symbiosis with nitrogen fixers are identified and isolated,and even if the transfer of those gene complexes,once they are found, becomes possible.
7 T' X+ X8 R1 E7 x  除非他们能取得成功,不然的话,绿色革命的产量收益将在很大程度上损失殆尽,即使豆科植物中使这些植物有条件进入到与固氮细菌共生关系的基因可被辨识出来和分离开来的话,且即使这些基因综合体,一旦被发现之后,其移植得以成为可能的话。9 g, c7 K! u. Q% K' ^  S
  35.Its subjectis “life-as-spectacle,“ for readers, diverted by its various incidents,observe its hero Odysseus primarily from without;the tragic Iliad,however,presents “life-as-experience“:readersare asked to identify with the mind ofAchilles,whose motivations render him a not particularly likable hero.: s8 ]2 Z5 K- Z3 A5 g) G8 ^

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