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发表于 2012-8-15 11:41:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  very是一个使用频率较高的副词。一般来说,副词可以用来修饰形容词、副词或动词,但用very修饰这些词时,要注意以下几点:+ u4 p2 w- ]" v% T
4 k; S+ H6 r: z' z  }) @  1.他们非常喜欢英语。
0 I! W* |. f; e8 @' z  误:They very like English.
- S/ F( L7 o9 h; _  正:They like English very much.
- t* A, a' f+ S8 u* }; S. ~$ [  2.布朗先生非常喜欢吃水果。
5 W+ a* `6 W' P5 h  ?5 X' K. v  误:Mr. Brown very likes fruit.
1 K4 m6 ?/ l- u+ o7 [  正:Mr. Brown likes fruit a lot./ J% w1 l9 q$ F6 C3 f$ L% ]: \
  二、不可修饰作表语的形容词。9 T4 q  L! B$ z" F( _
  3.我们此刻非常清醒。  ~0 p& M* `( z( |0 g4 c2 c
  误:We are very awake at the moment.( c  ?* w% c: Z. d" m
  正:We are wide awake at the moment.2 f  {5 G" ?5 A4 R
  4.工人们仍在熟睡。8 h  a" A- `0 M1 C- b
  误:The workers are still very asleep.& S# |1 m+ r4 x8 x& J$ f
  正:The workers are still fast asleep.
. q7 j% ~- R/ G7 ?) C, F  5.昨晚这座房子里就她一人。
2 _  n. s, o1 V  误:She was very alone in the house last night.; F0 I. O6 D! W" W9 h/ B
  正:She was all alone in the house last night.; T, x: [/ m- ~* q, K
/ T9 ?; n1 g- l$ ]; G6 W8 A6 d6 ]  6.汤姆比凯特高得多。+ I/ k% c! s( o" m8 ^" V- u
  误:Tom is very taller than Kate.! a& t9 V+ @+ M! D& R
  正:Tom is much taller than Kate.& ~, n( h- p% p, [+ j" H
! q$ y/ q9 I( R9 b; E" a: d8 R+ A. b  误:It was cold yesterday,but it is very colder today.5 T% g/ q9 `/ Y, J/ z: {/ J2 R4 A2 i7 {, B
  正:It was cold yesterday,but it is still/even colder today.
! H5 w; u' r3 d$ b' z3 o6 a  o+ k  8. 这部电影比那一部好得多。
6 x9 K! w, h; B$ q* R+ W5 e  误:This film is very better than that one.1 ?& d5 d; Q8 E5 V8 X( h( i
  正:This film is far better than that one.- ^3 t* b$ m+ ?7 B" L8 R
  四、不可用来加强副词或介词短语的语气。+ T7 Y9 |3 `* o3 Z5 p6 Z
2 _& E+ ]  u1 W4 U; M4 A( Q( q& g, l$ s  误:He looked for his pen here and there,but it was very in his desk.8 n- @  q/ |) v
  正:He looked for his pen here and there,but it was right in his desk./ Q5 N, E4 b: T# d9 Y. J
  10.这部电影非常值得一看。3 M- g& u' B2 i/ J
  误:This film is very worth seeing.
$ {6 K6 |8 v# D( S  正:This film is well worth seeing.
* b8 T* n$ U6 T0 m4 d4 j) ~: c# {  五、不可修饰“too+形容词/副词”结构。
$ V1 M4 C) M  P  11.这件毛衣她穿起来太大了。/ o5 i) }/ i4 X
  误:This sweater is very too large for her., E- ]2 ?% i5 F$ |1 ?
  正:This sweater is much too large for her.# T/ U6 b! T- @+ s# {
; o! |' r3 t, A7 N! {  误:Our English teacher speaks very too fast.( J" S$ x' p6 q
  正:Our English teacher speaks all too fast.1 z. V: b8 ?" R4 T2 `
( l" g9 V, S# v. T$ D  13.他的弟弟年龄非常小,不能去上学。
- p$ Z. `+ @2 ]- N+ |5 c+ `, w, }0 z  误:His brother is very young to go to school.
1 Y5 v, w3 v; d; D& ]/ r  正:His brother is too young to go to school.4 D4 F1 o0 k. X8 Z/ R- I; y# B' a: l
5 g( S: r& N& d+ E) H4 O# K  误:He is very excited that he can’t say a word.
: ]; T  b8 I; g4 ]8 H4 S: H* Z  正:He is so excited that he can’t say a word.
( t4 n; y- ~7 E  七、不可出现在感叹句中,以免与感叹词重复。
5 [+ F" n8 i" R* N* ]( N3 T  15.多么漂亮的花啊!+ {" Y* l4 D" u
  误:What very beautiful flowers!! {! P. w  a7 q# L  i8 q
  正:What beautiful flowers!0 E  M" F+ L. _- F2 m, a  f
+ h" r* J* b0 @5 J- q5 ?/ l7 g0 n  误:How very hard the students are working!
4 k: @6 P5 `2 q  正:How hard the students are working!

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