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[经验交流] 新GRE考试填空题解题策略

发表于 2012-8-15 12:31:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 日前,美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)宣布将在2011年8月推出经过改革后的新GRE常规测试。新GRE常规测试是ETS在美国研究生院为代表的教育界的指导下,经多年研究而完成的,是GRE实施60年来最为重要的一次变革。培训高分学员最多的北京新东方学校国外部GRE教学专家在第一时间剖析了新GRE考试变化并本着对考生负责的态度,以最快的速度推出本系列文章,以使考生能够从容地应对GRE的变革。   依据GRE出题机构ETS官网发布的信息,新的GRE考试将在2010年推出,其中在题型上作了很大调整,单独的词汇即类比反义词部分取消了。而保留下来部分中,填空部分变化最大。下面就变化和策略等相关情况作一个论述。9 Q* x* q* [2 C5 V
  (一)新旧题型差异/ n3 g6 G% N( K7 H: K  K
% U+ U8 b* O  E6 L, W' R$ S  如下表:
, w% z* K4 |5 I   特点旧题型新题型# k. P3 x1 v' n5 \
  考试内容单个句子 1-2个空格 5选1题型一:段落 段落题目1-N(数)个空格 3选1题型二:单个句子 单句题目1-2空格 6选2' W: L. }6 @! `4 T+ C8 [
  得分难度选择唯一正确答案 难度主要来自对单词理解和逻辑的分析 段落题目要将所有空格填完并且完全正确才得分 单句题目要两个选项都入选才正确2 V, M2 {* f/ w9 c3 j$ i
% r7 m$ @3 V# w3 L  H2 m( s
# f$ e4 G, K. n1 r& E- Q  如表所示:新考题在形式上是做了较大的调整。题干、选项、还是计分原则都有变化。但是,如果剥离这些表面东西后,我们可以发现其实核心的东西没有任何变化——GRE依旧是一个以句子、段落为载体的逻辑考试。
* j. y3 a4 \" {* I9 O7 U  就题目而言,样题的题目就有几个题目是我们明确知道出处的。SampleTextCompletionQuestions第4题就是来自92国内题目;而SampleSentenceEquivalenceQuestions第2题就是no9的题目。答案都一样,只是在干扰选项上做了一点调整(具体见样题分析)。
2 X2 B! _- `1 T$ z' q  换句话说,就是形式作了一点微调,核心东西都没有变化。$ O- V; U. o3 F( @- f  F: e, v
  (三)备考策略调整, E3 j" X0 l! P
* L! G0 v6 [; s  1.背诵并深刻理解红宝上填空部分单词。并按照考试新要求,自己尝试作类别词汇收集。
" T8 q- K6 v* i* Y, a' \3 ~  2.踏实提高 英语水平,充分重视长句,难句阅读能力提升。
% |# W: A- ^* x  }5 I5 r  3.认真研究过去考题。没有必要觉得考试改革了,将旧题完全否定,相反,我觉得应该把旧题更加积极利用起来。不仅仅是消极做题,还要按照从样题来的思路模拟ETS思路,看这些题目可以怎样改进成为新题。题干可以做哪些调整,题目单词可以加入哪些做替换。倘能如此,何愁GRE不克。 (四)GRE样题分析
4 K  S4 B. D5 i2 M5 ]7 r 

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:31:57 | 显示全部楼层


 Text Completion Questions 段落完成问题(段落完型填空)  P* z% X: ?5 |* |
  Text Completion questions include a passage composed of one to five sentences with one to three blanks. There are three answer choices per blank, or five answer choices if there is a single blank. There is a single correct answer, consisting of one choice for each blank. The examinee receives no credit for partially correct answers.$ A8 t  S$ k* C7 A8 j+ u1 H
$ ^( S: F- Z. f  B  s: w+ g  Sample Text Completion Questions 段落完型样题Directions:For each blank select one entry from the corresponding column of choices. Fill all blanks in the way that best completes the text.
& P3 f8 i/ T# }, y- q9 Y  答题指令:请在每个空格相应的栏目中选取能最好完善短文的备选答案。
9 b9 K: l6 c5 f  1. It is refreshing to read a book about our planet by an author who does not allow facts to be (1)__________ by politics: well aware of the political disputes about the effects of human activities on climate and biodiversity, this author does not permit them to (2)__________ his comprehensive description of what we know about our biosphere. He emphasizes the enormous gaps in our knowledge, the sparseness of our observations, and the (3)__________, calling attention to the many aspects of planetary evolution that must be better understood before we can accurately diagnose the condition of our planet.
: x' u1 r+ x& u  Blank (1)Blank(2)Blank (3)
% v7 D( ^9 ]. h4 R  overshadowedenhanceplausibility of our hypotheses
- b$ v6 T6 k% a  invalidatedobscurecertainty of our entitlement: j( g' W: g" e/ P- `6 g# c( K
  illuminatedunderscoresuperficiality of our theories3 k1 z* j/ p9 D* q6 T/ h! R, v
  Answer choices for question 1.
' f: @3 {+ l* N% N Answer: overshadowed,obscure, andsuperficiality of our theories- R# f" Y, X3 b
$ A# Z/ j6 F3 p! \) e  读某本书能带来refreshing效果,则表明这本书作者写作的效果就是有让我们refreshing的效果或者预期。所以,他“does not allow facts to be (1)__________ by politics”不会让政治“politics”对这本书作什么作用呢?当然是不会让政治使其破坏这本书“refreshing”的特点。则,第一空从正负就可以将illuminated排除。具体选择“overshadowed”“invalidated”还要参看第二空。
9 w: J9 b0 v# O( f7 d  第二空线索:  G: }! k4 C, _
2 M9 z- Z0 [+ q3 N* D  an author who does not allow facts to be (1)__________ by politics! Q  J9 {! `9 ]1 q8 M
  = this author does not permit them to (2)__________; _8 b! Y- s3 h9 B( T- B5 J9 y
  都是说作者不允许政治对书做怎样的动作。则两空是同义重复。又由于第一空推出动作是负面的。故两空都是负面的。则第二空是obscure, 而第一空也就只能是overshadow。
* b. C; ]& j) y8 h+ j  ]% Y5 b$ x实际上是三个并列重复,同时和一个分词构成手段和目的重复。
; A$ E/ e: F3 \* K) K0 O4 W4 A) x5 _, w! E0 o: Z  e, C
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:31:58 | 显示全部楼层


He emphasizes the enormous gaps in our knowledge, the sparseness of our observations, and the (3)__________, calling attention to the many aspects of planetary evolution that must be better understood) W( ^8 r6 }5 L( A' N  R3 }
- Q% G' z6 R9 G9 v' z7 ?  l% T+ s1 x3 I  the enormous gaps in our knowledge,
5 \( ^4 l% I7 C4 Q4 {6 p& J  =the sparseness of our observations,3 `6 l3 Y2 Q. s
  =(and) the (3)__________,4 g4 |7 W2 n" r
  =calling attention to the many aspects of planetary evolution that must be better understood/ @& x) |/ y0 N/ u2 [
  可以推断空格应该填写一个负面评价。% L/ n2 d: N( j9 o/ }) ^
  2.1 `  T! E% r& M/ v& D0 o* f- t
  Vain and prone to violence, Caravaggio could not handle success: the more his (1)__________ as an artist increased, the more (2)__________ his life became.Blank (1)Blank (2), y: C$ |- ~! Z
  temperancetumultuous9 q* m# e' d) j+ ]( x# L. n
; z# n. L) V0 F8 o; N* D' o  eminencedispassionate
' o3 m9 o# o5 [( t- }8 ~: k  Answer choices for question 2.
; F8 `  L$ T6 ]3 x* n% h7 Y Answer: eminenceandtumultuous: U. \0 m  k. b( b: `" x# t
  句子很简单,逻辑也很清晰。冒号引出解释关系。已知部分说Caravaggio具有如下特点:Vain(1) and prone to violence(2),could not handle success(3);则后面也要重复这两个特点。则后面the more …, the more所引导的内容也应该是重复这两个特点。两空都应该是负面词汇且重复Vain(1) , prone to violence(2),could not handle success(3)。则答案就是eminence(-)=tumultuous(-)。
; t  [& W! ?7 C5 o0 b( {# U  一个人虚荣,行为易倾向于狂暴,不能善待自己的成功;则越成功越易疯狂激动。6 ~/ @' X1 a2 ~2 H
- D+ a. ]" O  P) ^; p  The author's (1)__________ style renders a fascinating subject, the role played by luck in everyday life, extraordinarily (2)__________. Blank (1)Blank (2)/ u- t% ~  F- o' S, A
% T  `' R) d4 {  o  lucidtedious4 w& E/ ^0 u" ?* A2 P& U
  colloquialopaque6 A. U$ ?2 M" o. p! y
  Answer choices for question 3.+ @6 j/ s$ l, w' Z  v
  Answer: soporificandtedious
% N! v+ B$ k. v% W  第一空线索:作者怎样风格描绘了主体。插入语描述主体特点是the role played by luck in everyday life。
2 @) f4 V# {$ f* P1 N8 S  第二空线索:评价作者对subject描述具有怎样特点。应该和第一空呼应。即两空是同义词。- c8 \( m' M9 ^* ?
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:31:59 | 显示全部楼层


1 F4 f6 G) a& b6 j. G! m  J* Y' a  4.
/ Y) A$ _! F9 i, a; H  From the outset, the concept of freedom of the seas from the proprietary claims of nations was challenged by a contrary notion — that of the _______ of the oceans for reasons of national security and profit.; q3 f+ I) r- y) U
  promotion* c6 N) ]0 @- L, k# p0 R4 b. J+ U
# [* o/ b( Q' j6 Z( _8 L  surveying
( i8 r' A3 q2 X, {: E  conservation: f! @: m" K, M8 k% n4 B/ ^$ G
  appropriation2 v/ V$ V- f& K* X
  Answer choices for question 4.
+ s$ C$ B9 |0 V8 l+ z- I   Answer: appropriation
, d" d* k4 s& b( ?* V3 W& I' d  句子来自92国内题目。但是选项不同。+ f3 J% w6 I  E# F6 {
  A promotion4 Z# w8 y) Q' x
  B exploration0 p0 k) l7 t+ B) S7 Q
  C surviving
/ t; T" H; Q2 D  D conservation$ S2 R8 O$ f- R0 x6 _( o$ x
  E enclosure( d' A  k" o7 m/ Y7 @! Y8 U1 w
  (1)主干是:the concept … was challenged by a contrary notion;即:the concept  notion
: W0 j, n. z' v8 J2 h  (2)由“of”引出的“the concept”的具体内容:freedom of the seas from the proprietary claims of nations,海洋独立于国家所有权。则notion 应该说:海洋应该隶属国家所有权。
$ i$ m4 H1 B# g) w0 t& l  所以答案就是appropriation。和原来题目相比,不过就是把单词替换了一下。由此可见,这个改革貌似也不过如此,没有什么技术含量。) U% m  _( r) s, H1 k
  Sentence Equivalence Questions句子平衡问题
6 S7 i; @8 B; H" ^+ W& A6 g8 Y& I; T, t: a
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:32:00 | 显示全部楼层


 Sentence Equivalence questions consist of a single sentence, one blank, and six answer choices. These questions require the examinee to select two of the answer choices. The examinee receives no credit for partially correct answers.</p>  句子平衡问题包含一个句子,一个空格,6个选项。要求考生在其中选出2个答案。只选出一个答案不得分。
/ c7 y+ ~  z% M  r  Sample Sentence Equivalence Questions 句子平衡问题样题2 H9 }7 P! \7 |, S( s" {
  Directions:Select thetwoanswer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a wholeand
# r; Y0 W5 `% u: R  答题指令:选择2 T0 |; K. p( v
  1.2 H9 w  o- f9 q! z% Y% i% @1 L
  Although it does contain some pioneering ideas, one would hardly characterize the work as __________.
) d# b: K7 z' X2 j: ^! w  A. orthodox6 B0 x' B3 J" h
  B. eccentric1 K6 x& Z9 b5 s& A! {' N5 k4 O) n# b
  C. original
8 x; I. |: A+ R( Q/ A- S6 V  D. trifling
; Q5 q5 T5 u( S, _. b  E. conventional
6 d8 A* z+ }' W! a  F. innovative
2 D( Q7 L9 ^. B8 f" k  Answer: C and F* e, [: {2 c0 R* t6 E8 S
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:32:01 | 显示全部楼层


 句子很简单。“although”引出一个转折关系逻辑。前面说有一些“pioneering ideas”,后面则应该否定“pioneering ideas”。否定已经由hardly表达出来。所以空格应该填写“pioneering ideas”。答案即是C、F。8 F0 o9 k) |( m8 m( c
" J( {' h: Y" h2 G% A! L- I4 a  The corporation expects only _______ increases in sales next year despite a yearlong effort to revive its retailing business.6 K1 D" f7 G5 F
  A. dynamic% H" S) s2 s8 h( d$ c! E! z8 c1 r
  B. predictable
1 V1 @8 M+ b* U  P& j  C. expanding
; k% E  P9 {5 ^5 M  D. modest1 o3 b0 z7 q0 I$ x: L
  E. slight
) p; R. T+ C; P# u( U  F. volatile! v  d# u( x; y  N
  Answer: D and E9 b# P" L+ c. F3 Y1 T3 A3 ~
  “despite”引出相反逻辑重复。后面说这个公司准备了很久了。正常情况下应该是很大的经济增长。转折后说增长很少即可。答案就是D&E。9 E4 a( B/ B$ }* _6 K) D
  题目来自no 9的题目。同样将选项单词做了一下变化。其中答案单词modest没替换,还加入了同义单词slight。原题目如下:
4 X9 a. B* l6 b  k  The corporation expects only __ increases in sales next year despite a yearlong effort to revive its retailing business.# @; f, J4 N, V+ I, h" r
  A unquestionable
' Z2 }0 B9 Y6 a( P  p5 U  B sequential+ B( ]; R5 O. B& v
  C modest
; L4 U% k: z0 v  w  D exaggerated
; W2 N1 Q1 c% J% W0 r  g0 O  E groundless
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