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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题六

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
6  “On the whole”, Ms. Dennis remarked, “engineering students are . e' y6 r, T$ s* U" g5 x' _' X2 N
lazier now than they used to be.  I know because fewer and fewer of
' K& y- A+ m$ a3 B; T; l; ? my students regularly do the work they are assigned.”2 c3 w9 F! R  h9 Y

6 k) A! t4 z) Q1 H/ Y Which of the following identifies a flaw in Ms. Dennis' reasoning?
& l8 }; X6 E/ M
+ s& a* I& W! J       Plenty of people besides engineering students do not work as4 Z4 G1 B" ?/ B
        hard as they should.  
, Q  Y$ \4 H4 J- U8 d       Ms. Dennis does not consider the excuses her students may% ]. W% J9 ]2 V3 w  `! E% o
        have for being lazy.  
. f% W; Z, L9 J! d" Z# Q' Y       The argument does not propose any constructive solutions to
# Z' i7 ]+ I( P, P. [        the problem it identifies.  1 P: b, W! m3 t* e4 y+ U( d  W4 |+ b
       The argument assumes that Ms. Dennis' students are repre-
& o+ y) ~' a0 m        sentative of engineering students in general.  
* H  n5 Q$ k* \8 Y' S# J       Ms. Dennis does not seem sympathetic to the problems of her
: h0 e) Y1 c, d2 z        students.

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