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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题四

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
4   Veteran screen  writers, aiming at creating a 120-page screenplay for a % X& W0 k# N/ @& E8 L$ B
film, usually turn in a 135-page first draft.  As one screen  writer put it, ) b6 p3 i! F0 w$ _
“That gives those in charge of the movie a chance to be creative when
1 k8 V; {% r7 W they get the script:  at the very least, they can cut 15 pages”6 o  S% Z5 u+ ?% D# K% @* i

* {( P. W9 ^0 N: j' K! z The screen  writer's statement cited above conveys which of the following : q; v9 z) n- p* ]# R$ B: h- `) o
propositions?$ C9 K2 C7 `, s9 k6 @

# {$ r  d; O* a: \       Screen  writers for a film are generally not involved in any aspects
0 q8 y5 y* o) K3 S& U$ l6 Y7 f        of filmmaking besides providing the script.  0 h6 d8 u3 y9 l( _% h8 @& k
       Seasoned screen  writers are resigned to, and make allowance for,1 n2 N/ p) N- T0 W, ^
        draft scripts being altered by those evaluating them.  
- _; N, ?% i( I7 [! e3 W- j  y! _; |       Truly creative screen    writers are too temperamental to adhere to page, {5 F+ _% {4 n
        limits set for their work.  6 [& m+ _8 c0 `% h- y  F# J
       It takes a special kind of creativity to recognize what is best left out of+ g8 u: x; R$ M4 E$ P
        a film script.  % x) U6 b4 s9 n7 r
       Even experienced screen   writers cannot be expected to  w rite scripts - }* L. L# W* X( Z7 ?1 g9 J
        of consistently high quality throughout.

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