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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题二十八

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Creating ceramic works of art requires heating them to high temper-
/ |. x4 H$ `, d+ q. a# O6 v5 catures.  A test used to distinguish ancient ceramic works from recent + V# y) y# h: ~
forgeries consists of heating a sample taken from the object and 5 e2 U% e6 ?' d3 f5 Y3 O
measuring the amount of radiation given off.  This process allows5 p/ C0 z1 P0 B$ v: |, E6 \5 O
one to determine how long ago the object was last heated.
5 e' x* N, S( ?3 Y4 M
9 j7 X4 w- }" ~$ SThe information in the passage, if correct, most strongly supports
% G! j1 ]/ w+ M( p  S6 O: Y" wwhich of the following?
) N  b6 U8 ?4 u6 w/ o. l + I! f. F3 B6 R5 L$ D+ v. w- k+ v
      If an ancient ceramic work of art has recently survived a hot# s* t# A- [' u
      fire, the heat test cannot distinguish it from a recent forgery.  " M, o6 G8 s% I0 E# B) I; e
      If the heat test shows that a ceramic work of art was not made' C9 I9 ]( \/ h) W+ n- b: b
      recently, the work is not a forgery.  7 a. K* H, A# ^7 y8 g! U; D
      Two samples taken from the same ceramic work of art and
* x4 [& u& J  V9 }! \/ C; i      subjected to the heat test at different times will give different
3 v! I+ J& b1 |$ ]  T4 b! d      indications of the time at which the work was made.  , \  j* ?! o7 ~% _( Q* M2 Z8 q
      Recent forgeries of ancient ceramic works cannot be distin-: v! Y6 q% B7 ?' w: m" I
      guished from genuinely ancient works without the use of the
) g8 o! j$ C5 Z2 |/ L* P      heat test.  / L* Y( `1 P' f' g* l$ X
      The temperatures to which samples are heated during the heat
) O, t0 H& f! j; O, n5 L6 {' A& \      test are  close to those to which ancient ceramic works of art
5 T9 d6 g; @- S6 J" b2 M6 p      were originally heated.  
- h3 {( C9 Y% A% L% _答案:C

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