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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题二十四

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
24  The 38 corporations that filed United States income tax returns
3 ~& `, N* ^/ ]8 I! R% K0 Gshowing a net income of more than $100 million accounted for6 I2 ~( \: x+ G* t
53  percent of the total  taxable income from foreign sources
1 W7 h( j# m+ r2 `7 @! ?* s8 Z# Mreported on all tax returns.  Sixty percent of the total taxable1 k* ?- F; a/ E8 K- J( W  i' h
income from foreign sources came from the  200  returns
! h- q8 p- V2 X( q! c; |' Mreporting income from  10  or more countries.: A: Z! Y# s& `
If the statements above are true, which of the following must  Y& Y9 s3 g- U& J; j
also be true?; F2 Q- f4 l! E/ Y/ k
    A   Most of the total taxable income earned by corporations with6 A' x! F* B7 R, s2 `
        net income above  $100 million was earned from foreign
: S0 L5 \# r5 O' h  R        sources.  % U; h! w/ Z, Z" c" X
    B  Wealthy individuals with large personal incomes reported0 ~1 |8 e+ W7 ]( ?( {0 l* A
        47 percent of the total  taxable income from foreign sources.  1 R9 P3 H/ W, J3 |
     C Income from foreign sources amounted to between  53  and- n3 H( @% @3 ^2 |9 G! U& _
        60 percent of all reported taxable income.  
" O: P. ~4 |' u* B   D   Some of the corporations with net income above  $100  million
# p/ i4 y- {8 j) [" C        reported income from 10 or more countries.  8 Z+ {* ?+ M- x/ F
    E  Most of the tax returns showing income from 10  or more
5 B7 V# O& L  Y( b. V* o0 H        countries reported net income of more than $100  million.

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