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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题二十

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
20  Nineteenth-century art critics judged art by the realism of its method of
8 n  a" l. Z8 l# H3 D: erepresentation.  It was assumed that the realistic method developed
1 L& L& ?: c' Z7 |* M: Nfrom primitive beginnings to the perfection of formal realism.  It is one
8 U$ |# m" j/ [5 b" dof the permanent gains of the artistic revolution of the twentieth century" p  l/ l% I; P$ o2 D/ m
that we are rid of this type of aesthetics.
+ @- N% h, G3 U  _  p  L8 Z 6 r( G  _1 {0 D  w6 r
It can be inferred from the information given that the artistic revolution
# c$ w3 N6 d* a9 Iof the  twentieth century had which of the following effects?
+ O4 T- {( Q9 E- K! X % ?( H2 m+ c3 b: F# e* f# R
      It deemphasized realistic representation as an evaluative con-- `! _3 r& H: J
       sideration for judging works of art.  & I8 |6 a) o0 h# m/ q  D2 X# w
      It permitted modern critics to appreciate the simplicity of primi-
. F/ x: l* J$ P1 [       tive art.  
5 V; ]' g: H% F: C0 T; u      It repudiated the realistic representation found in art before the: F3 J& Z' K6 G: T& k5 m9 Q
       nineteenth century.  
, [; c! s8 `& h( r! j4 g      It reinforced traditional ways of looking at and judging great art.  
2 U) L+ L: k5 h  k4 G/ u) X  A  E      It allowed art critics to understand the evolution and nature of art.

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