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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题十七

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
17  Therapists find that treatment of those people who seek help because they, s3 h- E5 ~3 v* _6 g
are unable to stop smoking or overeating is rarely successful.  From these5 C6 F0 t% b" A4 Y/ c9 t6 S
experiences, therapists have concluded that such habits are intractable, and
$ R5 W0 C& w/ I5 h% k$ Osuccess in breaking them is rare.  
! v& d- G! u6 g5 L0 z0 X- Q2 {As surveys show, millions of people have dropped the habit of smoking, and % c) ^) d. l" m5 s% N: a) G4 Z8 Z
many people have successfully managed a substantial weight loss.
5 E0 e' Q: ]' w% }9 y, G: H
- Y! b; o8 E, b  c8 S7 EIf all of the statements are correct, an explanation of their apparent contradic-
) I" ?3 }2 m$ o8 g0 Z8 c4 D! [( xtion is provided by the hypothesis that5 E& R4 K2 p$ t9 l) s% e

$ C4 d) x4 e  ?9 p      there have been some successes in therapy, and those successes
( l' V/ E1 U& x- U       were counted in the surveys  5 E$ `! ]$ I! S1 W4 z3 G
      it is easier to stop smoking than it is to stop overeating  
8 g: q( p! j4 [7 Q- _      it is easy to break the habits of smoking and overeating by exercising4 H2 q# d) j8 ?5 {7 ^
       willpower  5 s* j8 m4 ]8 H- M5 Q$ j# R( t
      the group of people selected for the survey did not include those who* e3 u( d8 P- ~& W  L9 N6 o
       failed to break their habits even after therapy  
$ o7 F* g) f. F- R% S, [+ \9 B      those who succeed in curing themselves do not go for treatment and so
- \; F8 t& u1 B- h2 e* Z) H/ W       are not included in the therapists' data

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