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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题十四

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
14  Athletic director:  “Members of our sports team included, for the fall season,# ^# J% G# J# I0 [2 k/ K: G" j
         80 football players and  40  cross-country runners; for the winter season,8 X$ x: k- {2 e6 M
         20 wrestlers and 40  swimmers; for the spring season, 50  track-team7 A/ o% l* c, ?+ i/ w
         members and 20  lacrosse players.  Each team athlete participates in his7 F- D% b  f0 D: x* J1 W, c/ \% `
         or her sports five days a week for the whole three-month season, and no* V, o; _# l7 W! P+ ]& U8 t
         athlete is on  two teams during any one season.  Therefore, adding these, w" x7 W. D0 M4 k9 q; n
         figures, we find that our team sports program serves  250  different
* u! }# C) P& m( T$ Y         individual athletes.”
$ g% g% d) o( P$ S: { * Z- @9 F7 r( Y8 W# j
In drawing the conclusion, the athletic director fails to consider the relevant
& V* i! _5 w7 X4 Apossibility that6 Q0 N8 {- h8 X- Q: F

& ?: p+ T9 I+ z" d0 X6 g  k1 N( Z8 x      athletes can be on more than one team in a single season  
1 n- H3 B3 ^8 w7 N% c      athletes can be on teams in more than one season  
  ?- l3 X. q% P/ V9 i2 H      some of the team sports require a larger number of athletes on the team
5 Y6 |9 a' i0 I, g0 z$ F# D       than do others  
0 N# _  @0 \4 I2 c' o      more athletes participate in team sports during one season than during
  n4 l. m- I' t+ @' V       another  
2 G8 P9 y+ n! \, J* X! j0 j      an athlete might not participate in everyone of the practice sessions and
, d# T- k1 b+ O       athletic contests in his or her sport

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