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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题九

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9   Only a member of the Regionalist party would oppose the bill for8 P( s+ v+ Q' c% }; h4 @
a new recycling law that would protect the environment from indus-
. h2 F/ A7 i) K1 Otrial interests.  Ellen cannot be a member of the Regionalist party- P1 ?; x7 q5 [: W, I) |( E
because she supports the bill.
* x0 X4 `, v( L# w! u5 Y  w % [- j3 K8 J, X  J# g7 N
Which of the following statements points out why the conclusion is
0 U6 `# `& ?  v0 b2 qinvalidly drawn? ! h% L- Q# k9 m! i; v- }

7 K! R- D, K$ ~+ J; d, L0 u      Regionalist party members have organized to oppose industrial% i4 @4 V4 _6 ~* K
       interests on several other issues.  ' u7 z+ ?5 v7 H- P
      Industrial interests need not oppose the protection of the
+ m) V$ j! n3 L1 |3 h       environment.  1 i- I) j& [4 g
      Past attempts to protect the environment through recycling laws
3 |% H6 E% b0 `       have failed.  
% b( F- d+ m( E, o- i2 X      It is possible that some Regionalist party members may not" Z. [4 t% o# w4 ?8 Z
       oppose the bill for a new recycling law.  
6 U9 ~! a* c8 D# K/ X      Ellen has attended programs and distributed literature prepared. i" x: `; `) U/ y0 v8 o& l
       by the Regionalist party.

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