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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题二

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
6. A ________ person is one who will ________ something on the slightest of evidence.
7 ^# ?$ A* o2 X5 |; u" @. _  (A) restive ... forget 8 J3 ?) G- F1 o
  (B) garrulous ... criticize 8 E3 ]3 Y# ]8 G2 R, Y' U! T1 c
  (C) maudlin .... censure
/ ~. H- i/ B$ O+ r* Z1 B8 ]  (D) phlegmatic ... condemn
9 Q7 |/ s% u2 T6 @' r/ t+ [) E  (E) credulous ... believe $ T) Z' G3 t3 R! ~* s
  , `- F! v/ w; S9 F1 P
7. A New World lizard, the basilisk, occasionally does something that seems to ________ physics: it runs across the surface of water for distances of up to thirty feet.
) W5 i5 |% e7 b8 c6 U  n  (A) defy - e0 P, Q: \( E5 Y, \  \* ^9 u
  (B) quantify
) b: M) A+ w8 ?) R  (C) assess . ^- ]8 L6 @* L
  (D) exemplify 8 C1 e4 k& x" f, S" l) ?- f
  (E) corroborate
7 x* Z6 G/ S' m1 i, \( c7 k: m# [  
- C) l6 N; z" \0 l# @/ H8. A born teller of tales, Olsen used her impressive ________ skills to advantage in her story "I Stand Here Ironing."
0 w  [1 {6 }3 R1 e% |* \  (A) domestic
/ O9 T/ Q( t4 J, N; Z9 f  (B) metaphysical " T* M2 O7 d8 q! ~# f
  (C) narrative
$ S- w. F" o. p& K3 a" C  (D) diagnostic
8 ]. i7 k( m2 B+ s& T! T# m  _  (E) argumentative 8 G+ q  ]4 B) {# ?3 r
+ b1 k/ X* \5 U7 \9. A code of ethics governing the behavior of physicians during epidemics did not exist until 1846 when it was ________ by the American Medical Association. # i4 ^, j3 O( z% X/ {5 v
  (A) rescinded + b! V5 }! ~$ N, h' N9 ~( L
  (B) promulgated * r3 V  P( R1 J) c( ^
  (C) presupposed
  @. X  u- O/ @4 l2 l% i8 F* Z  (D) depreciated
# }' _$ w' `$ @) y( _  (E) implied
# Z! ]% |$ z3 y) w  
  h1 z1 W7 V" z- T10. A diligent scholar, she devoted herself ________ to the completion of the book. . O7 N3 C9 P4 l! |! ?3 s
  (A) assiduously
  U( ]+ l% d0 s. f" \) B  (B) ingenuously
; U6 V1 \( p' u2 b+ q# s  (C) theoretically " f6 P2 N/ B' C& v0 H' E
  (D) voluminously
7 m/ R& H$ ^" u. F' j0 x3 ]  (E) sporadically 6 z: k! A4 T1 |+ p8 m; W  |. Q6 n

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