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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题一

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. "The show must go on" is the oldest ________ of show business; every true performer lives by that creed. 0 p& o! S' o. a& P- W$ T% J6 q
  (A) euphemism % Q; J+ c% }& @3 [2 W9 n- n
  (B) allegory : C0 _4 U$ N9 |+ n/ T* l. M
  (C) precursor
: N; v. @# z- j9 }- E6 P  (D) tenet
$ n. a3 T/ f% b0 ~5 N  (E) corroboration
3 o0 }9 d, ]# J7 `; }6 F; x9 X  D  
  a- y* q8 M- c. |! d" U0 @2. ________ James Baldwin, who wrote of black Americans as being in a perpetual state of rage, Mr. Cose remarks mat few human beings could ________ the psychic toll of uninterrupted anger. 6 a+ ~- |2 H% t8 N! A
  (A) Corroborating ... endure + _7 _& a8 |1 `$ L7 \
  (B) Refuting ... enhance & V0 t. @3 Z  S& ~
  (C) Dismissing ... refine
) J* O# b4 u# D" l$ {7 |8 w$ Y  (D) Challenging ... survive
4 p7 U$ F0 I3 P4 C% z* d- w  (E) Upholding ... weather ) f4 Z! D, q; ?2 S4 ]1 `
3. ________ by life’s ________ , the last emperor of China worked as a lowly gardener in the palace over which he had once ruled.
8 H) i& o* W) u$ d  d" L  (A) Fortified ... generosity / X8 r4 x. E" I& v' i' W% L
  (B) Deluded .... coincidences 4 \: {8 P- |2 {$ Q3 b# X& ]+ k
  (C) Humbled ... vicissitudes
2 I# f, L! Y, k7 {* m' ?0 c" P  w  (D) Venerated ... survivors # \  q: p/ C. A; m: s# p( u
  (E) Recognized ... impostors
7 U/ U1 X7 w, R% H# l8 k  T$ N  
8 Z( b5 N( Z( s5 m  ]4. ________ his broker bad told him that the stock was a ________ investment, he insisted on / V( P5 ?, L& [5 i: ^& M- ]& o: c9 U
buying 100 shares. . R3 ^& W* q( M5 t9 P( x
  (A) Because ... speculative
* p2 u# y- J9 k3 W* F$ M/ H  (B) Although ... precarious 6 _* l) R' w/ W  Q4 w( X' G
  (C) Since ... negligible : q6 B& t; k! R/ {
  (D) Although ... formidable
6 M2 A$ Z0 z* K  (E) Because ... dwindling 3 J6 l: ?+ l& X+ G/ T4 E
5. A ________ glance pays ________ attention to details.
2 W. p- c8 J# U( L; c* C  (A) furtive ... meticulous % e$ w7 c1 V& g8 E, z6 L3 H6 i1 b
  (B) cursory ... little $ a/ e8 [. V7 ?( E8 p. K$ O
  (C) cryptic ... close
" w( |- Q3 u. D) j  (D) keen ... scanty ; R8 k' l2 w3 @9 O
  (E) fleeting ... vigilant 1 A( I$ X6 h0 u& m, V& ]

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