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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题三十五

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The percentage of children who wear glasses has increased signifi-
0 k, q6 Y9 A; q0 {7 H+ [cantly over the past thirty years.  Since  the methods used to diagnose- z8 ~7 P+ _' p8 C! t
vision impairments are the same as they were thirty years ago , the 6 @3 i, ?  o4 N2 y# o9 Y- E
reason for this increase must be that a higher percentage of children
8 l3 o$ s+ |# `# ?5 ]' Khave poor eyesight today than thirty years ago.
! O' j4 T& Y! h/ p In the argument given, the part that is underlined plays which of the
4 }( W9 g3 X/ o/ E% |' Zfollowing roles?
! w) V: T+ A+ T9 J6 a# y: D
5 Y6 a% C3 b8 h  ^  |/ E$ X     A  Describing the circumstance that the argument seeks to explain  . D: c; V5 d6 G: c
   B   Stating the position to be refuted by the argument  
$ y: |/ j$ Z, v0 W8 m" N( P6 G" x     C Serving as an intermediate conclusion that supports a further2 n; N1 [* w/ ^6 Q% D
       conclusion stated in the argument  
6 q0 K$ U9 @' q8 H( D4 r    D  Providing an illustrative example that neither strengthens nor# X; I( d6 g+ Y5 w# k! I0 e; `' w; s$ ^
       weakens the argument  + P% k* ]* W0 _
    E  Providing support for the conclusion of the argument by excluding
6 N3 K$ Q2 O( e       an alternative explanation of the phenomenon to be explained  4 r2 c, d' W) r  q4 M* l

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