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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题三十二

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Politician:   Pundits  claim that by voting for candidates who promise& `" V0 S. A5 T2 g
              to cut taxes, people show that they want the government+ O+ n8 P* K, o( I9 J6 n4 O( Q
              to provide fewer services than it has been providing." R( v" d! I% u1 L  F) ~
              By that reasoning, however, people who drink too much$ f- C9 Q: r* }6 U2 u8 Q
              alcohol at a party in the evening want a headache the+ h( n& H; ]+ e0 P
              next morning.
6 f3 K5 Y0 [5 y, S7 M! B Which of the following could replace the statement about people, l5 I# M5 y( K
who drink too much without undermining the force of the politician's
2 P% A" Q3 b& T* x1 g& M- |5 Wargument? 1 Y* }/ [4 G& g
3 M) f) s! o7 Z& \$ {
      People who spend more money than they can afford want the( L& ^; E3 E- I# J4 R2 m
        things they spend that money on.  
3 t  A' X5 `5 q# g2 E7 X      People who seek different jobs than they presently have do
/ [( E3 W, B& m6 a4 Z        not want to work at all.  : b7 z2 i6 h1 {# R* W" _/ a+ e8 @
      People who buy new cars want to own cars that are under
  R% K7 W# o; O; ^+ B) K) a        manufacturer's warranty.  + V8 n( t9 @/ q, P: k4 \
      People who decide to stay in bed a few extra minutes on a+ T/ j% s; [( [
        workday morning want to have to rush to arrive at work on0 A# h: \' j8 E4 L$ @
        time.  2 Z7 v: c- T- a" P+ T9 S
      People who buy lottery tickets want the economic freedom' X1 q/ [& l  I6 ]' N$ z9 ?
        that winning the lottery would bring.

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