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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题十五

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
71. As surprising as the new findings are, Dr. Wilson said he would not characterize them as ________ .* V4 ?$ |" ]. \3 P- o
   (A) sound( }, P# T  f/ c6 l: [
   (B) revolutionary4 O  r) J2 l6 P( U, G7 p
   (C) equitable+ T* T6 m' e4 B: _
   (D) evident" k. b, ~" O6 J9 o
   (E) abstruse
) X1 a- D9 @7 Z% R- ^' y3 R! Y4 E+ ? 72. At a time when biographies that debunk their subjects are all the rage, it is refreshing to have one idol who not only lives up to her legend but ________ it. 4 i! n. g# ?7 I( q$ j: n0 K4 ~' M4 k
   (A) complicates
0 z! D! f  m9 a* d3 ^9 m# V- K5 L   (B) surpasses
0 R4 C9 f; H4 @' v7 s8 D: Q   (C) compromises7 }& i( y6 v% `
   (D) rejects
# f  }# p" q* Z. ?9 s3 P' f! X' O1 K   (E) subverts
. Q! x3 Y; [# t$ k% X& F 73. At first ________ were simply that: straightforward firsthand testimonials about the ________ of a product.
- f5 l" H5 |# I6 G# j   (A) trademarks ... contents
8 i6 Y9 l' S  n  Q1 l   (B) creeds ... excellence
# h9 R* M" }6 e' ~   (C) prejudices ... flaws6 e0 i: }7 Z2 x2 X, E
   (D) reprimands ... benefits
5 ]# c" f, T4 ?8 T; V5 \   (E) endorsements ... virtues4 g/ n% Z3 r- N( U
74. At the height of the storm, the savages tried to ________ the angry gods by offering! B* h6 @  |! ^1 Y- B0 N! s
sacrifices.' Z5 S# |: j5 g7 A4 {
   (A) modify
/ m. R7 W9 ]: G" j( z' t   (B) appall
3 t( [/ t" ~( v! e5 J   (C) vilify
% Y# g6 |1 x4 p" L   (D) propitiate; Q7 Q! Q1 K& x( r! D2 i3 X8 l! E
   (E) instigate6 ]! g+ q0 {. H+ L; d+ d2 l) X
75. At the present time, we are suffering from ________ of stories about the war; try writing about another subject.
( s$ X, h( E& j8 H   (A) a calumny9 R0 ?% }& c. X& [4 W6 w' @* ?2 T. T
   (B) a dearth
5 m4 H, y6 z% I. E9 K   (C) an insurgence! B3 G& o* y; ~4 O
   (D) a plethora
4 }2 B: r  @6 M* a9 S$ X$ W  l   (E) an inhibition$ c5 [5 ?. [' Z* H

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