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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题十二

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
56. An unattractive feature of this memoir is the casually dismissive, often downright ________ , comments the author makes about almost all of her former colleagues.
. d9 W! ^) M. B7 S/ N/ C+ h   (A) elegiacwww.Examw.com9 g" x6 Y" i5 `- B* S3 G
   (B) euphemistic
  X4 c$ S) ^3 s/ Z; p   (C) objective
7 p) o9 Q5 g. x+ i* B; e   (D) contemptuous4 ~5 v$ Y* w  J1 D# F$ {+ b
   (E) laudatory
: v" r# I& e$ Z. @9 Y) N, h+ T$ K 57. Anthropologists traditionally argue that the male-female division of labor in hunter-gatherer societies arose because it ________ the nuclear family's joint interests and thereby represented a sound, ________ strategy.
- Z5 s- T% f( I4 K; v$ [$ B7 S   (A) impaired … collaborative  c5 o9 m; o1 S/ p9 ~! Z) {
   (B) respected … divisive
/ a" r2 L- w6 h3 }: E) I   (C) ignored … disinterested0 r; `# r1 W( O4 k7 b# [# g4 g
   (D) restricted … provisional
! o% m, a, d) N* }2 }   (E) promoted …cooperative
; u" \2 L) |$ ` 58. Are we to turn into spineless ________ , afraid to take a ________ stand, unable to answer a question without pussyfooting?+ }7 }/ @+ z+ X" p* K% r
   (A) disciples ... positive
: o( z4 l/ s; |9 Y, I9 V, z   (B) hedonists ... compromising' y; t" L  _7 ]; \2 M
   (C) criminals ... defiant; }5 T  n2 k  a2 ]
   (D) critics ... constructive
4 G9 f6 V/ X+ O( L   (E) equivocators ... forthright- b$ r# _. \9 `' y7 E! z
59. As Reginald Machell's lavishly carved throne clearly illustrates, California craftsmen were not afraid of ________ .
( ]  x4 Q2 H$ P4 X$ M( p% g  N   (A) competitionwww.examw.com/ D( A* u- X# j% I
   (B) embellishment2 w8 c3 P. }$ _- \
   (C) imitation
2 \+ k2 ?5 V; _! \' U; m   (D) expediency9 p- E2 _: B! s& f" ]2 u& r
   (E) antiquity
; X* k- y2 P. e( o 60. As a product of the Soviet literary establishment, the author was brave enough to ________ the hand that fed him, but not heroic enough to bite it.; Q' s- j+ L% R# x  {  t. j" N* n
   (A) give up                    (B) nibble at' [1 O6 A4 O# [- j+ G& ~7 h! S
   (C) cringe from                 (D) worship4 I5 s  T$ B3 n+ ]# ]) ^
   (E) devour
/ o. V6 B/ u2 ]& q. T, [2 C DEEBB

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