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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题七

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
31. Although Barbara Tuchman never earned a graduate degree, she nonetheless ________ a scholarly career as a historian noted for her vivid style and ________ erudition.
1 Q/ V5 `- e7 a) s# t/ y. t   (A) interrupted ... deficient
( v5 B/ J9 g" v  \   (B) relinquished ... immense 6 F+ f( \* P$ h8 Z+ c
   (C) abandoned ... capricious
0 O2 n0 q* b6 r   (D) pursued ... prodigious
( Q* d( i) \/ D* J) W   (E) followed ... scanty
3 ?3 a* q( g' {3 _5 i8 w! h& W  % n" F; O: W+ Q
32. Although Britain’s film makers often produce fine films, they are studiously ________ and rarely aim at a mass market. ; D7 E5 \3 Z! \! y$ ^
   (A) commercial                 (B) viable  
6 |+ k2 |7 N4 x: W   (C) derivative                   (D) elitist  
& S+ {* p" v  i2 |7 h2 @& F% P% n0 n2 z   (E) collaborative
- m. x. w4 n9 o/ S: U8 h  * l4 f/ v9 J  N9 h  [
33. Although Henry was not in general a sentimental man, occasionally he would feel a touch of ________ for the old days and would contemplate making a brief excursion to Boston to revisit his childhood friends.
" g& ]% H7 K8 {3 s- O   (A) exasperation
% }0 s. _$ s* \% T( H% V# s   (B) chagrin / w* l' o. B  p, P5 o+ R! C) ?2 t
   (C) nostalgia
5 Q. X1 B  B5 {% X  Q: N   (D) lethargy 6 ]3 h- G! i' u" l. V* T2 t" z
   (E) anxiety
- r* A5 E5 `! Y( B( z  
$ Y8 {3 _. H+ w4 y34. Although I have always been confused by our ________ system, I ________ traveling on the subways occasionally.
9 G  p. L3 Z4 C- v& I6 u   (A) mercantile ... remember 3 k2 p% h+ A: K+ v5 {3 d
   (B) monetary ... deplore ' U) F  X3 Z, |# D2 }5 [% J
   (C) social ... ponder
+ z' Z+ v7 Q/ z3 ~   (D) transit ... relish 0 l( q7 q: h2 e& y5 P
   (E) revolutionary ... prefer ; ~6 J5 i" d* f8 E% M  W3 V
' k0 F- b% R, r$ J35. Although Josephine Tey is arguably as good a mystery writer as Agatha Christie, she is clearly far less ________ than Christie, having written only six books in comparison to Christie’s sixty. 6 r  l3 a9 \/ L. p
   (A) coherent                   (B) prolific
; G1 e) n7 h8 E( I6 v+ Y" g3 x   (C) equivocal                  (D) pretentious $ H8 J$ k" H4 v; B, J0 M
   (E) gripping 5 w, T5 R7 f( N( W! }- T) Z& B

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