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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题四十六

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
226. In Anne of Gables, the heroine turns down a prestigious scholarship so that the young hero may receive it; once more, the woman ________ her own ________ to those of the man.
* z7 V2 B& U; [    (A) prefers ... ambitions
3 J1 G0 O+ ]$ R/ z  p/ ^1 T5 S) X    (B) sacrifices ... losses
* @5 I; g, S4 L    (C) surrenders ... talents
/ `' @  [7 E6 Y) D# h( t6 N    (D) accommodates ... beliefs) T$ K. q* c# V% ]. `+ D
    (E) subordinates ... interests/ X) r0 m1 [3 W5 V; u
227. In Victorian times, countless Egyptian mummies were ground up to produce dried mummy powder, hailed by quacks as a near-magical ________ able to cure a wide variety of ailments.: c/ p1 o2 [5 N6 K
    (A) toxin
6 a% D2 P7 N7 ~$ p    (B) indisposition
- D3 ]0 r( x! ]7 U: q, E  J    (C) symptom# [: U% f( G* w2 ]. j1 N, E
    (D) panacea
9 z0 |% B- ]1 {; O6 ]% v/ ]' C    (E) placebo
; U/ a$ f2 Z" E. A7 c9 q3 Z 228. In a nation where the economic reversals of the past few years have taken a psychological as well as a financial toll on many regions, what most ________ the South may be the degree of ________ throughout the region.1 S& d: p8 x3 P3 s3 z: w6 m# p
    (A) distinguishes ... optimism
8 V2 g3 X' F: B) u, t1 p    (B) grieves ... prosperity) g% o7 r* d3 w8 {
    (C) typifies ... disenfranchisement
$ O( M; B+ _7 G1 K    (D) distresses ... reflection* A  p. p0 u! o( E  k$ |
    (E) appeases ... idealism
% }: W+ ~  A) G' n  l; O& y  n! r 229. In apologizing to the uncredited photographer, the editor said that he ________ that this ________ use of copyrighted photographs had taken place.* y  z  i( r, J- f8 P, R" I4 Q
    (A) deplored ... legitimate# O- T" s! \. M
    (B) conceded ... inevitable
: m: m: }; D# i! }2 A/ ~    (C) regretted ... unauthorized
1 Z* j# V5 L5 W9 ^* z" G# q4 T    (D) admitted ... warranted5 c% C6 T7 g& E4 p7 o
    (E) acknowledged ... appropriate2 T# g) @- Q8 w" r% ?: R7 O
230. In attempting to reconcile estranged spouses, counselors try to foster a spirit of ________ rather than one of stubborn implacability.
% a7 Q& C4 M& K, o, \5 G# t0 P    (A) disillusionment* ^- n' f( d$ _; x- P9 w
    (B) ambivalence
+ p* }3 m8 Z( \% w; e/ l( ?. T    (C) compromise
9 ?7 w$ f2 U4 L3 N' F4 R    (D) antagonism
" @% S" ?3 n! r$ y% C* i4 k    (E) independence
- W+ m  K) ~1 u8 |' L/ ^, ? EDACC

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