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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题四十四

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
216. Hroswitha the nun, though hidden among the cloisters and ________ time, is now considered an important literary figure of the medieval period.* j( w$ r- e- A0 b# u. o* w
    (A) oppressed by
) }7 [; N: B, R9 M    (B) fighting against2 K+ u( O, n- s' r
    (C) celebrated throughout
% _/ c, }: w4 @    (D) elapsed from
, U3 `+ p: @9 u: c* U    (E) obscured by
  a7 m$ n0 E: \& b8 g 217. I am seeking an ________ solution to this dispute, one that will be fair and acceptable to both sides.
' f& F5 j' s, }9 Q) ?    (A) equivocal
' v- p0 q% O4 H    (B) infamous
7 z" G) B9 a3 U8 }! X. k+ ?! A    (C) equitable
) }- A2 N" b' t% G    (D) idiosyncratic
- @  n$ K3 C9 T: o    (E) overrated
" t& [$ N" z+ B5 k 218. I can vouch for his honesty; I have always found him ________ and carefully observant of5 q8 c8 n' S7 W' }  S
the truth./ F# N0 w" H9 j( A+ Z8 |/ l5 t
    (A) arbitrary# V1 B: t% r8 J/ @$ H3 N; j
    (B) plausible) u7 P) L1 x/ Z# Z; v6 e
    (C) volatile
2 a8 [+ H7 b, ?% |5 l1 @+ i+ |0 _    (D) veracious
' j5 ]3 J3 t. L    (E) innocuous
4 b$ @' O# J4 C2 p! V* t- U7 F% { 219. I regret that my remarks seemed ________ ; I never intended to belittle you.
! l! q. r! V$ @, j    (A) inadequate& w$ C* {' P0 t4 q* Q1 |$ P
    (B) justified2 b' V( C7 s1 q0 L  a
    (C) unassailable
% \3 Q' k( G+ h' j: c8 Z7 f8 g$ H. M! Q9 o    (D) disparaging
, m. W  Z. T; R! P, A: D0 p; U    (E) shortsighted/ ]* ~, M6 z8 D5 R
220. If Amelia Earhart's acceptance was by no means ________ , her fame was unusually widespread and her popularity long-lived.
1 ]; \* S* Z8 g* b6 N+ T    (A) universal                 (B) ambiguous
# `1 B& j9 m8 C/ w; Z0 E    (C) expedient                 (D) partial
) w* f$ _0 Q( ?' D& J; I    (E) genuine; X  V8 |% R# S* K9 g% Y( D

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