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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题四十二

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
206. He was so convinced that people were driven by ________ -motives that he believed there was no such thing as a purely unselfish act.
1 U* T# w5 U; \* b% F9 r   (A) sentimental
; e0 ^, r: m: g6 B$ W4 z   (B) personal
5 q  x3 I5 G- }) y# `- H- B   (C) altruistic
& b; N5 [" _+ k, o* W   (D) ulterior4 v8 ~- W5 Z, S( n1 y0 _# Y# t; I
   (E) intrinsic( N5 R0 ]7 {7 o; F
207. Helen valued people who behaved as if they respected themselves; nothing irritated her more than an excessively ________ waiter or a fawning salesclerk.
1 |1 S4 Y; D" \' v" ?   (A) austere8 U- f! K0 u& L3 [  a1 C; P
   (B) domineering) y- Z) |3 \/ B7 l! j' x6 o1 `9 ]
   (C) grave
& J- I2 \# D# q; F   (D) obsequious
9 L! s; N1 V* o+ e8 p3 J) E   (E) contentious( q( U, t  A' h9 b* o' o& m( u
208. Her ________ -is always a source of irritation: he never uses a single word when she can substitute a long clause or phrase in its place.
+ }3 O$ S1 ~8 z# J% o; A   (A) frivolity
/ O1 g, Y, K3 Z1 E" h! _   (B) verbosity
8 Y) ?' I+ A. u   (C) ambivalence
% F/ r, y: b1 m' l  {" E8 @6 M   (D) cogency% x" t' J, g& v
   (E) rhetoric  q$ y6 t( K/ i# L( C" u( N
209. Her growing bitterness was ________ by her professional rivalry with her sister, whose fortunes rose while her own ________ .
' ]* f- g( c4 h; F( [7 r* ?   (A) represented ... ascended1 R; O& T4 B. R5 U. \6 ?) U* e1 e$ R
   (B) mitigated ... dwindled
. r/ y2 K$ r" A1 c% v. t  W3 _   (C) exemplified ... soared
' h4 U4 U0 p: w, S* x0 f$ ]5 S% A   (D) nurtured ... multiplied
+ R* j& b  t9 d" r* {. h4 @8 O( q  x   (E) exacerbated ... declined2 F; M. b; s) G
210. Her memoirs are quite unlike those of her predecessors, for she is bold and aggressive where they are ________ and comfortable.0 H! y& x  G1 c- B" z, t7 S4 _! l# Q
   (A) audacious. p. x8 @0 x, R
   (B) vivid
; Y7 g& j6 z9 H$ }8 s   (C) bland
7 i2 d/ [' ^" ^0 ~5 h   (D) brazen
+ z! X) F5 K: F9 Y   (E) contentious! i1 G1 B1 o; T* \

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