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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题四十一

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
201. He is much too ________ in his writings: he writes a page when a sentence should suffice.' p) G' L, ~( }
    (A) devious8 \7 P4 M. @8 ?0 d- W% D+ T
    (B) lucid' j; o+ J' W1 A0 y0 t+ g+ X
    (C) verbose
  B1 ]' @4 ?& A    (D) efficient9 y- O, d/ [; F" }
    (E) pleasant' P8 \, y/ m4 z! v+ ^$ o2 u: u1 E
202. He loved his friends, but he held people in general in ________ and maintained that human virtues were unworthy to be compared with a dog's devotion.
+ e7 m  C/ f9 {9 T, I' {    (A) reverence
, j: x% T1 j& n1 L, A    (B) abeyance ; J- B) F# M" I5 ^+ a
    (C) contempt. G+ z3 H2 B1 {% d, x+ w, m
    (D) affection: Q( w2 c+ ]3 `/ b5 x! V% h: v$ ~
    (E) honor3 u; K. E/ k8 p& p6 ^) V9 V9 F! R: T
203. He tried his hardest to maintain his ________ in the face of the threatening mob.
8 V2 S# L3 L: z% n$ Z    (A) synthesis
2 b& ^. Y1 e+ y' ^& _0 x  U- F    (B) analogy8 s; }. n+ e5 j7 M+ N
    (C) fraternity
% G4 }8 L2 r5 i" Y1 Q    (D) umbrage
; T4 P( {7 ^/ b2 O$ w    (E) composure
, a$ C7 D: r$ I, L6 M 204. He was ________ -success, painting not for the sake of fame or monetary reward, but for the sheer love of art.9 A$ f. Y6 J8 k& N6 K! ^+ k* o
   (A) indifferent to& t( f1 w( {* S# ]8 F  A
   (B) destined for
3 [( ~; {  C5 y   (C) avid for
( b! `5 d/ k& Q  E; U+ Q5 T   (D) jaded by& L5 G! H" y. N
   (E) enamored of+ J" [4 b& L% H, [
205. He was habitually so docile and ________ that his friends could not understand his sudden ________ his employers.
" G1 i9 s1 l+ s; R   (A) accommodating ... outburst against
0 X; X& A; |" \8 y  k   (B) incorrigible ... suspicion of6 Y7 ]: m! I: }
   (C) truculent ... virulence toward
' q. y# g: ?  f! n3 B0 A   (D) erratic ... envy of+ s& k5 L- u7 d. V9 s! Z2 e+ P: W" U
   (E) hasty ... cordiality toward. A8 D" a  D& t  Z

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