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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题四十

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
196. Having written 140 books to date, he may well be considered one of the most ________ novelists of the century.
- |! Y8 e( n) l4 x8 K# c9 Q    (A) eccentric/ p" M9 @7 C1 L) u' B
    (B) controversial
6 k! Q: r2 v1 S& i0 @    (C) easygoing
) T1 I, w  }" a3 h. K; N    (D) unheralded, u" G5 f5 M3 v
    (E) prolific
: r8 L9 w! N/ y  c" J 197. He continually describes what superhuman labor it has cost him to compose his poems and ________ that, in comparison with his own work, the poetry of other poets is  ________ .( y) E9 x* O( I. x) l# c
    (A) insists ... meritorious
- z' v* n  f& M6 d    (B) insinuates ... profound* b" I* J* T  Z- v' ?+ i9 c
    (C) asserts ... laborious
, E  e+ c0 e2 |    (D) intimates ... superficial
6 k1 z8 H( E' u2 R8 h    (E) maintains ... meticulous4 ?$ Q4 V& [! T
198. He felt that the uninspiring routine of office work was too ________ for someone of his talent and creativity.% Q% W7 ?0 J! o8 H" s7 s
    (A) diverse  o/ e/ t9 q0 \! S9 i9 U  V. g6 j* _2 Y* W
    (B) insatiable
* A( e/ w. T: r: U3 g6 a4 y    (C) exacting
) n' Q/ A1 d4 v# E( j; p    (D) enthralling, w, o" u( y' [5 m& ?
    (E) prosaic
( ]0 H1 e: ?" t5 {9 [ 199. He found himself in the ________ position of appearing to support a point of view which he abhorred.
& i+ c$ i' [4 Y5 ?+ d    (A) obvious
7 n: V' h  s8 p    (B) innocuous
2 V! O, Y, U/ q" {4 f    (C) anomalous
" m, d4 N) q6 c    (D) enviable
4 a6 O* v& ?5 l2 p    (E) auspicious  Q0 k4 Q$ ~5 {. p$ v& \1 [
200. He has the ________ distinction of being the only one in the class to fail the examination., A0 x- F/ ]: h2 A( \" t0 I+ X
    (A) voluntary1 s% L! v" v% {2 F
    (B) dubious) e% s% f: z7 d: V! R
    (C) exemplary! ?- U) M; }9 }& y5 U$ I6 K
    (D) partial
: e/ @" L0 P/ Y4 f2 z    (E) logical5 A7 e7 g! t# ?- m, V

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