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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题六十

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
County Health Inspector: Here in the county about sixteen percent of
7 E; H$ i  C9 ~) B2 ?         the raccoons tested for rabies were found to be infected with
% D' f) ]( e: k1 _. D. ?) f         the disease.  But only raccoons that had come into contact with# M3 i4 }4 j/ k% a% [+ c- d
         a person or a pet were tested.  Therefore there is reason to / ^! n  o; I2 G9 j2 W
         believe that considerably fewer than sixteen percent of the ) S; [( J1 O* {; `' J( ]
         county's raccoons are infected with rabies.% Z- F( q  A* r8 r$ R
  Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest support for the3 q2 U$ ]7 S* y5 D
health inspector's conclusion? # g1 U/ q5 S& B2 D
    A   Healthy raccoons are more likely to come into contact with pets than# f& b- |* M/ e2 a; J, r
       with people.
: w* ?! ^9 u$ H! _4 h6 \    B  Raccoons that are infected with rabies are more likely to come into9 H3 `" ^: K% G. @" [" g6 D
       contact with people and pets than are healthy raccoons.
* y0 F: Z( b2 {7 @6 L- ]    C  Even experts are unable to determine whether or not a raccoon is
* h8 x2 m5 z- ^2 @6 s0 S. M. @       infected with rabies simply by observing its behavior.
* v6 B3 K( E8 u  [- U    D  Of the skunks tested for rabies in the county, more than six teen per-
  m# o1 U% n9 X$ l" D$ @( |       cent were found to be infected with the disease.
# F% M5 h# }, o$ a% i    E  There have been no reported cases in the county of the transmission
7 r7 _! Q# `2 _3 |! ]# n' r       of rabies from a raccoon to a dog that had been vaccinated against
3 U9 E9 O/ |  y  u/ {: A% T  [: F       the disease.
0 z; p0 ?6 d% ?* I9 L' q答案B

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