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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题五十八

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Ounce for ounce, blends of different artificial sweeteners match any individual
+ E1 H* Z/ d8 h/ ^3 x7 ^artificial sweetener in sweetening power.  When used to sweeten food, blends
$ Q- X, T- [" S) ggreatly decrease the likelihood that consumers will exceed acceptable daily% B  I) h, x) L" X
intakes for individual sweeteners.  Blends should therefore be used, rather than
  D* D% H# ?0 i# F: b) u8 msingle sweeteners alone, since blends are   clearly more healthful, yet equally4 s* G6 |4 `" p: |6 F
effective.0 F( g$ ~( L' j  [. |2 K
The argument depends on which of the following assumptions?
; a4 o! \5 o  Y; ~
7 G: n7 Y& w, n  U: K1 y7 f    A  When ingested together, different artificial sweeteners in the blends do not1 J- J5 R- d: `
       interact in a way that makes them harmful to human health.  
, a0 B2 V+ Q$ H% _3 A' E- e2 B7 g9 @$ s   B   Different artificial sweeteners, when used together in food, do not contribute( D- R- }/ J! V' ~
       a more desirable flavor to the food than would any one of them by itself.  
( B( Q1 O9 S1 k* i# W& S" C# B     C The acceptable daily intake for any given artificial sweetener is a conser-
0 T( l2 y0 u1 B; P6 d       vative figure that could probably be greatly exceeded at little or no risk.
7 A; x. f8 k: ^5 V1 g7 F4 e, ?    D  Consumers who substitute artificial sweeteners for sugar in their diets1 }7 i8 B7 x3 C2 u+ u
       generally keep track of their daily intake of different sweeteners.  
& _8 g% T3 }9 C/ @! i  ]2 y  E    The ill effects on health produced by the intake of excessive quantities of
; E2 z( r( Y# D2 K. _  U& [       any single artificial sweetener cannot be reversed by reducing intake later.  
8 O8 g& d: Q! c' c: [' @/ g# \答案A

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