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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题三十四

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
166. Famed athlete Bobby Orr was given his first pair of skates by a ________ Canadian woman who somehow "knew" he would use them to attain sporting greatness.
; ~/ U1 d; F8 J" Q- p    (A) prosperous) S6 Z0 Y! `& T8 j
    (B) prescient; q4 |( Q  [* T
    (C) notorious6 P  m6 Y: [! r+ z, I2 `
    (D) skeptical
9 z% ?2 |% |% C# j* T% B9 x    (E) fallible, a, ^6 A/ z6 }* Q* O( u3 U" }" f9 h3 u
167. Famous in her time and then forgotten, the 17thcentury Dutch painter Judith Leyster was ________ obscurity when, in 1993, the Worcester Art Museum organized the first retrospective exhibition of her work.
* ?+ G9 }8 i6 f2 s    (A) resigned to5 F/ {& N% }) ^  p0 r. D
    (B) rewarded with* u% k- u$ k' n' z( n* \3 n& p
    (C) rescued from
* V4 [9 q2 ?# J9 @3 b    (D) indifferent to2 c  J0 Z. u( j$ T! ?' x6 i
    (E) worthy of4 ?) Y0 \+ ?3 W' a; A
    168. Far from being distracted or immobilized by his inner conflicts, Keynes was ________ by them into becoming one of the most productive, effective and buoyant personalities of the twentieth century.
& ^3 |9 J/ I" \7 b) k+ \* `, c! z, [  p    (A) neutralized& B5 W/ _  `! F5 ]* ]4 [# w) R5 h2 S
    (B) energized% C7 p; p6 N. E- Y+ ]) ]5 O
    (C) incapacitated
% w4 N1 p) N* l: C. D    (D) enervated
# H  l# G3 B& x. x    (E) inhibited7 O  A- N$ G/ q& V) m9 [
169. Fitness experts claim that jogging is ________ ; once you begin to jog regularly, you may be unable to stop, because you are sure to love it more and more all the time.
1 B' p3 e  I- u/ O: V4 A7 x# p    (A) exhausting
! F0 \& z: v, D6 @4 t$ N    (B) illusive
. q) f2 U' J% K( t5 H( W$ ]2 ]    (C) addictive
5 N5 n) s, k" b+ h8 U; e    (D) exotic/ l; H. u& T+ a/ D$ s+ [
    (E) overrated
! o) o  A! Y; |$ b 170. Flying in the face of ________ , the writer George Sand shocked her contemporaries by taking lovers and by wearing men's clothes.
$ D- J5 M1 v! p( g* _( N    (A) immodesty, \( E* K# ]' s' p8 V% u
    (B) reconciliation
. ]" B. R& m$ x% G) ?8 }& G    (C) emancipation
5 F0 `: p- H7 I& A! z: p+ S% o5 r    (D) convention- u# m5 d1 B( i; C6 B" O
    (E) modernism
4 v2 h2 G: n4 y6 |8 h" T+ Q# H, w" YBCBCD

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