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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题六十

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
296. Most Antarctic animals ________ depend on the tiny shrimplike krill, either feeding on them directly, like the humpback whale, or consuming species that feed on them. # `( ]8 u5 ]; J3 V7 W2 G; i* {
    (A) seldom   r' i5 m) Q9 i
    (B) ultimately 8 J& A( C) s% `& u3 R
    (C) preferably 0 i2 D. y9 E' j8 L5 ~# U
    (D) immediately . X$ Y' n0 Q- U
    (E) marginally 1 B' C, `- t; `% k* r" e) q. |
. U0 _* d) T# I4 }: F1 _( ^297. Most of the settlements that grew up near the logging camps were ________ affairs, thrown together in a hurry because people needed to live on the job.
" K5 J: c0 @; R3 H5 i    (A) protracted
3 }: Q9 D4 e0 x" E/ O% B& `- }    (B) unobtrusive
; |; s- K- B# G    (C) nomadic
: R7 h* }& i" I# q" z: J4 p( g    (D) ramshackle ) h& k/ F( K/ K0 i
    (E) banal 2 X6 y; ~/ v7 I7 R
  ( w- w" Z2 [0 _/ P
298. Most people who are color-blind actually can distinguish several colors; some, however, have a truly ________ view of a world all in shades of gray. 4 T0 R, Q: E7 H, T
    (A) monochromatic
  k6 k& @7 T) n6 e) ~) i) A    (B) opalescent
$ G( k1 ~( y+ [7 `3 G3 @$ T    (C) translucent
" }% u7 e: \: C3 d    (D) astigmatic & T; d# s  y& y9 t
    (E) roseate
; `2 W" w6 f# |8 |2 v0 A2 m  
9 C) g6 a: u% ?5 o8 Y299. Mr. Levi is ________ learned; he has read everything bearing on his subject and on poetry in general (in several languages), and he has forgotten little if anything. : D7 I1 S$ Z. ^) T5 Z
    (A) moderately ) l# K5 O. @: O  u& ?0 F2 O' w: L
    (B) spottily # l1 Y; |. ]( b: L8 F4 \# \1 I
    (C) inadvertently
+ v+ L6 m3 Y4 h' @    (D) formidably ( r1 I) r2 f' i0 r3 B1 O
    (E) inadequately ( F* P$ k6 Z) I3 s+ K& f# c
  {' K2 Z2 A: _! _4 s  [! P& e5 \300. Mrs. Thatcher had a better eye for the weaknesses and ________ of her contemporaries than for their virtues. . K3 |6 W: c- N
    (A) responsibilities
8 s7 W& I0 ]& Y5 K, |; t9 c- \4 ]    (B) foibles
! n% A- h9 s0 F. p$ J1 _* y; k    (C) merits
$ i( n- ?3 Y4 C, c6 |    (D) talents
+ _; Y& m! P1 N    (E) attractions : a5 {8 I* s7 ~+ i0 W* z

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