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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题五十七

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
281. Like a balloon that is ________ , aneurysms (swellings in the walls of arteries) sometimes enlarge so much that they ________ . 8 e! @' T) S( ~* n9 Y
    (A) expanding ... contract . S" A0 c3 S9 F+ h) C: L
    (B) punctured ... dilate 0 B1 \: `' s# ], d& D  a
    (C) elastic ... stratify
4 ^/ b/ s6 @3 ~3 ^    (D) weightless ... stretch 3 d, ^1 ^3 }/ j& t* L
    (E) overinflated ... burst
, B" T8 C2 y( q3 U. m2 K7 {  
- b) K. V6 h6 Q* W282. Like a martinet, Norman       ________ his subordinates to ________ rigidly to the rules. ) S3 y( |1 z5 U: v3 A( |7 N' C
    (A) disciplined ... adapt
- d1 Y: S, k- O) t    (B) constrained ... adhere
! G3 K! h: c3 g7 S/ c4 t    (C) coaxed ... refer
4 w7 m, c/ V1 j' |- s9 @    (D) accustomed ... object 8 \* h$ d: M0 b) B$ D1 \. S
    (E) coerced ... demur   j+ y0 l! D1 R; N
* A5 l( Z9 t. V$ m9 _8 P' V" y283. Like doctors exploring the mysteries concealed within the human body, astronomers are finding that X rays offer an invaluable means for examining otherwise ________ structures.
' ~7 n' Z# |  P9 Q7 ?6 w3 p    (A) inconsequential
0 H) f! t% E4 w    (B) hidden                   (C) ambivalent & O* t5 b) C: m, W6 D; n( r
    (D) diseased                 (E) ephemeral 0 W( _: P+ h, l
. b5 o* ~. t9 \+ ?284. Like foolish people who continue to live near an active volcano, many of us are  ________  about the  ________ of atomic warfare and its attendant destruction.
' {: j4 F: a9 {5 W4 E, f1 E) m, f& G    (A) worried ... possibility
, ~: U1 _6 C( w, h( r    (B) unconcerned ... threat ; {9 ?& {7 f  q1 F
    (C) excited ... power
. g1 ^, \- d4 g6 R    (D) cheered ... possession 3 y, a% K( l, j
    (E) irritated ... news ! |. D' k% z, G2 b- J
3 f7 S% `" @1 H285. Like many other pioneers, Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, founder of the New York Infirmary, the first American hospital staffed entirely by women, faced ridicule from her contemporaries but has received great honor ________ . / D+ e6 @. e# T
    (A) posthumously
, }+ K9 y8 D' W0 C$ \    (B) anonymously 4 d  C7 G  p, s6 U. i
    (C) privately 3 y( a8 B6 R! K* n
    (D) prematurely
+ T- E: T" n% U: h) z    (E) previously
+ G6 d  R4 U% {- M8 YEBBBA

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