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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题五十八

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
286. Lovejoy, the hero of Jonathan Gash’s mystery novels, is an antique dealer who gives the reader advice on how to tell ________ antiques from the real thing.
# d! n- q5 R7 I- |* M4 s! ]    (A) priceless                 (B) spurious
1 F; J! X, g" k8 `" K    (C) classical                 (D) authentic
9 }7 |/ h6 }( _. o8 r- q4 A    (E) antiquated 4 x+ ?* }: J) f  Y8 F% D: @
9 A+ I0 R; w  \1 y287. MacDougall’s former editors remember him as a ________ man whose ________ and exhaustive reporting was worth the trouble.
3 }% o2 _% W4 I9 K4 t. Y: H    (A) domineering ... wearisome , P. I  H. u7 o2 R2 }" Q/ ^7 i  {1 T! n
    (B) congenial ... pretentious
8 Q9 E' g) J! l3 \( }' v    (C) popular ... supercilious
8 F0 ^* Y+ Q' P3 I) m9 H" m    (D) fastidious ... garbled
# g  r7 d4 i8 w& \5 }. [- D    (E) cantankerous ... meticulous
; S* r7 H; ^. y0 V  x( m$ j  |  K, _  2 i/ b; [) f4 B5 a4 q
288. Many educators argue that a ________ grouping of students would improve instruction because it would limit the range of student abilities in the classroom. $ f! K  o. S' A" A0 l
    (A) heterogeneous
/ @% Z% k0 s" O7 z" q: b& c) O    (B) systematic
0 M4 w* }3 N) P" m7 k    (C) homogeneous % z9 ~  d& k/ {" m; ?6 O3 d
    (D) sporadic ! ^2 A/ b% _6 ^0 q* V8 ]
    (E) fragmentary
, i5 k4 c' C6 k0 I, Y0 Y  
" r! X1 z  C6 U  ?& h8 ]8 ]289. Many elderly people are capable of working, but they are kept from gainful employment by the ________ of those employers who mistakenly believe that young people alone can give them adequate service. , U3 ?" o+ b0 |1 d* y
    (A) philosophy
' W$ B7 M1 {+ V    (B) parsimony
! m6 n7 R, Y; s8 d' o/ u# V2 U8 o    (C) conservatism 3 l/ l5 ~  o8 g
    (D) rationalizations
! Z; s& W$ h) \" c1 Y    (E) short-sightedness
7 P/ ~. T5 C. t& _290. Many of the early Hollywood moguls sought to ________ themselves and enhance their celluloid empires by snaring ________ writers and intellectuals as screenwriters.
" @9 N2 Y  ?( V    (A) advance ... presumptuous
4 }7 L8 p  p' h  D, R2 h) e9 |    (B) aggrandize ... prestigious2 u  `8 C  Y) D( X: ]# d; q
    (C) intimidate ... unsuspecting
' y! W/ \4 q0 c/ E7 H    (D) glorify ... superannuated
0 F( o6 l( a# V0 K" A    (E) sabotage ... distinguished
& ~; W  Q4 Y3 j
/ j0 B2 b  z. ~5 w BECEB

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