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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题六十三

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Historical inquiry is a rational discipline only because of common stan-
2 s* W- Y  y# x( t/ x% A" Gdards by which competing historical theories can be judged.  Some
$ c' B1 J+ O: U. s+ B- o- x, lhistorians   claim that their theories are exempt from these standards,2 {: N, Q' G' R3 h2 H3 p8 _) F
since the theories can explain away any evidence that might be brought
. X# X" T* |/ s+ U1 [against them.  No truly rational account, however, would be immune in# m0 k& e  E% t7 n* g6 q
this way to rational refutation.
+ w+ c& x4 b/ o+ x! I, R+ T! z
4 J! e( D  Q% e$ ^% F The passage is structured to lead to the conclusion that
7 U- K, ~: g+ D* z* Z$ Z     A  the existence of historical theories that cannot be refuted using the
- c1 D5 {$ Z0 u1 {$ {0 Y8 L) y       normal standards of historical inquiry shows that historical inquiry. V. o* ?% k# b$ F5 b( \; w- a
       is not rational  / Z. c/ Q: h% e; C( a: E
     B  a historical theory that can account for any conceivable or actual con-  ~" G1 u+ h, C4 q3 \
       trary evidence is not a rational historical theory  * `# N. U: U! _0 W5 S
      C one can only be sure that a historical theory is rational once it has- f9 j8 X) |* }2 P2 S
       been refuted  
& P3 F/ j' {8 ]: y" a      D the rationality of historical inquiry depends on certain kinds of histori-4 z( T3 S, ~! ~: F
       cal theories never receiving serious consideration by historians  
) m( j% j7 H- T3 @  d+ L, e       all that has to be done in order to prove the irrationality of a historical+ \9 T) |0 p# e* q( `
       E  theory is to ignore the standards by which historical theories can be3 N9 G( I- q7 ^4 b8 Q9 p
, \* R; m0 T1 h9 O- f答案B

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