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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题四十九

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
241. In the poem Annabel Lee, the speaker reveals that he is not ________ to the death of his beloved; on the contrary, he is ________ .6 b- }. l7 ]$ T7 B
    (A) indifferent ... apathetic
3 K& O7 E9 ]# y  ?+ I, }3 R    (B) reconciled ... acquiescent
; T% h2 b7 k# `4 [8 c1 M( E" f$ a    (C) resigned ... inconsolable
6 F/ b. q$ ~! S    (D) accustomed ... inured8 `4 G3 [* E/ K9 o6 s& B5 ^
    (E) relevant ... responsive' ?9 O2 p: T/ G' @/ O
242. In their determination to discover ways to ________ human life, doctors fail to take into account that longer lives are not always happier ones.
% `3 B' ?# t! X" ?  G    (A) ease) N& M2 O! f4 g. D6 W
    (B) prolong
5 y! q. b- y  ^    (C) eradicate
- L  a- B: j/ e" A) e% f) }    (D) recuperate8 y; j: W3 \' ^$ V# r; b
    (E) dissect
. C3 Q) h: f8 a' H4 j 243. In this survey of Revolutionary America, the author finds a remarkable homogeneity of opinion from Massachusetts to Georgia; the differences between the sections are ________ , almost always explainable by differences in climate or topography.
* b, h" ^# q% T: i    (A) sharp6 [. B, M3 H, g
    (B) nonexistent
  l6 |9 X6 [! [7 ]  }& q; |, b    (C) irreconcilable& k3 z( Q1 P6 E, ~  r: I/ m* O, f
    (D) superficial& @8 p5 a! f( P5 w+ ]' `( ]
    (E) enormous
' P6 w  W8 ~/ ?4 M( x" f 244. In view of the fact that there are mitigating circumstances, we must consider this a  ________ offense.$ c  ~# K1 z! [7 P9 i9 G8 ]
    (A) heinous8 ]2 n, `0 u& G0 y1 l& ~
    (B) venal7 W8 _, V( a8 I
    (C) criminal
3 U$ V, z3 p7 k& R& E* R    (D) propitious7 J  U/ z$ n* q. d& p1 c' h( q
    (E) venial
  B  w* w  t! a( p 245. In view of the interrelationships among a number of the African American leaders treated in this anthology, there is inevitably a certain amount of ________ among some of the essays presented here.( |# i  ]  {) {# e$ }
    (A) overlapping# t5 O7 `+ r2 l
    (B) inaccuracy
  s5 A/ y) T6 h0 y) X9 w  J. h    (C) pomposity- {) e$ {1 o- D( M. J3 k
    (D) exaggeration
* b* O5 K( {' E) p; N' ?2 K) X8 C    (E) objectivity

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