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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题六十五

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
321. Paradoxically, Helen, who had been a strict mother to her children, proved ________ mistress to her cats. + G) c9 h3 W( q( W$ C
    (A) a harsh
3 K( x' E! @. c* m) j- U    (B) an indolent
( X# w! t  N% @+ e+ Q& b% J' G    (C) an ambivalent
- s' R, u, J" n4 e% h+ d    (D) a cautious 5 ~! X, F1 F( o1 R/ i3 `8 y, M- y
    (E) a lenient
- ^" t* c: P+ T  e; S0 z  
; t0 N2 @4 z2 [) D322. Paradoxically, while it is relatively easy to prove a fraudulent work of art is a fraud, it is often virtually impossible to prove that an authentic one is ________ .
9 `' L2 `; }" g9 e' ?8 ~    (A) unpretentious
" P- J0 O, L* T1 i" |+ ?* d    (B) objective " q! x' I# U% h! x# T4 ]* \
    (C) impartial . C4 {- m) p& l) s* r5 p
    (D) dubious 4 D6 `- U4 B4 u6 H6 ^  {7 ?9 V
    (E) genuine 4 m6 T0 S: T  r' y
  " `5 B/ p/ k  k" f. P" A# F( P. e
323. People expected Winston Churchill to take his painting lightly, but Churchill, no ________ , regarded his artistic efforts most seriously indeed. $ w8 e7 B7 s% |/ c3 C/ J
    (A) virtuoso                  (B) zealot 0 O+ c  |' O0 R5 c# n- o; Y
    (C) dilettante                 (D) altruist 9 I7 a6 I% I/ \  n! f' T0 A! V( s: C
    (E) renegade : x) @) ~% V8 H5 I7 m, s
      % Z  f3 K; {5 a: g, _* M  U) ~+ i
324. People who don’t outgrow their colleges often don’t grow in other ways; there remained in Forster’s life and imagination a ________ of the undergraduate, clever but ________ . 8 e1 \! v2 x0 {/ p* \
    (A) dislike ... talented 4 |; Y" [6 [# C  u) g! P- K
    (B) touch ... judicious
1 _: f! x8 D( K    (C) streak ... immature
( g; d' g# K% J' d% P    (D) fear ... dormant , `! `0 [+ {1 L  G
    (E) trace ... sincere
+ \0 W: C4 h0 N0 U# c  
( X. R6 w  l9 e* X7 O& _' r& R325. People who take megadoses of vitamins and minerals should take care: though beneficial in small quantities, in large amounts these substances may have ________ effects.
, _7 d: M2 B9 e3 Z% w    (A) admirable
6 z' P) @! O& g2 S* j4 [0 @& f    (B) redundant
7 J, a' a; p) v# B% e0 S    (C) intangible
( M/ i7 B' q+ ]2 q" X2 B( T, m1 J    (D) toxic
: s3 L: \1 a. a# [, p8 r    (E) minor
% v& w" v9 X3 e$ v EECCD

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