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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题七十三

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Over the last 40  years there has been a great increase not only in the number
* |" N$ E4 R2 W7 Wof agricultural pesticides in use but also in the care and sophistication with which
4 A. O; x) t% P2 z( uthey are used by farmers.  Nevertheless, the proportion of agricultural crops lost ( s, Y# Q- r: ~
to certain pests worldwide has increased over the same period, even when the : v# j/ A7 \: T) N
pests concerned have not developed resistance to existing pesticides.  
# V/ E  |/ ]3 d1 ` Which of the following, if true, best explains how improvements in pesticide use 6 w% }8 ?. d6 [$ D+ D/ J; ^, i
have been accompanied by greater losses to certain pests?
7 K7 V$ g) r5 D4 W, J& L. w, K0 @     A   Some dangerous but relatively ineffective pesticides common 40 years ago ) B1 n5 t! E9 K( }" x: d
       are no longer in widespread use.  
/ h1 v6 V/ a4 p6 T    B   As pesticides have become increasingly pest-specific, controlling certain ) i) I# _, h0 f4 a- V" i
       pests with pesticides has turned out to cost more in many cases than the $ j4 R& I7 P8 _
       value of crop losses caused by those pests.  3 g2 v8 e5 t9 A
     C  Because today's pesticides typically have more specific application condi-
" V/ F4 y& `1 d, V6 a       tions than did pesticides in use  40  years ago, today's farmers observe
( N* C2 H8 C/ |       their fields more closely than did farmers 40  years ago.  
# C: i/ ~" n: u  p! Y* H    D  Certain pest-control methods that some farmers use today do not involve
/ k( i& x5 _; |0 Y       the use of chemical pesticides but are just as effective in eliminating insect 8 O! K' ?, d, f3 Y5 R
       pests as those that do.  
3 N7 }0 y/ E0 T/ a) r) ~" ~    E  Forty years ago, much less was known about the effects of pesticides on * J4 r+ I- l5 x* O
       humans and other mammalian species than is now known.  
6 c) @' T% ~2 H* O: l, u答案 B

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