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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题七十二

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Consumer magazine:  When our panel rated  23  popular brands of3 ]1 w# C+ N7 @2 X9 f* L2 d
          orange juice for taste, the six “premium” brands all rated in the
' b' v/ u8 ?  G) v4 ~4 t5 y          top ten.  These brands ---labeled “premium” because they are- C; G& H% B; F% ]0 l: O
          not made from juice concentrate---cost more than the brands
' \* G! F5 o' R4 `8 A          sold as frozen concentrate or those sold already reconstituted." s2 Q( d3 b* |8 P2 B, @7 V
          The brands sold as frozen concentrate cost least---less than. S7 D, O5 P8 j. d/ C" ^
          20 cents per serving---yet the panel rated the best of them . L) t% o5 Q, p3 z+ F7 \7 X
          higher than several “premium” brands. , h! P6 F7 k# P. R
  If the information provided by the consumer magazine is accurate, # \  }* l1 `/ s! @
which of the following must be true with respect to the brands of 6 @- v3 N* k) Y% I  D
orange juice that the panel rated?7 H$ `4 g+ b9 j7 |. x
      A  At least one of the brands of juice sold already reconstituted costs
4 u8 Q2 Q% S6 M, Q  P        less than   20 cents per serving.  
0 T( D$ N) T9 F    B  At least one of the brands of juice sold already reconstituted rated
. e; l  g& r3 K) d! C& v) f( P" p        better for taste than the lowest-rated “premium” brand.  
2 U3 {- P  W5 z; P2 y    C  At least one of the brands of juice sold already reconstituted costs/ |5 ?& I7 D3 N8 ^0 P/ A
        more per serving than the least expensive “premium” brand.  / W2 k  Y; w& B4 F) m
    D  At least one of the brands of juice rated in the top ten is neither a# L! T5 U/ b+ F* h) O* r
        “premium” brand nor a brand sold as frozen concentrate.  * \$ h" v7 ^6 K, F7 E5 p
   E   At least one of the brands of juice rated in the top ten costs less- m. {0 v( N6 A9 B! e7 s. a" Q
        than  20 cents per serving.  8 y; j' O8 `3 f0 `& g. l

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