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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题七十

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
346. She ________ recognition and fame, yet she felt a deep suspicion and ________ for the world in which recognition and fame are granted, the world of money and opinion and power. 8 \( k6 b+ l8 W: Y$ H: b, m
    (A) mistrusted ... antagonism ! [8 f$ L9 Q# n- d% m$ O" x
    (B) worked for ... respect 6 k7 ^+ y0 G) _. V
    (C) endured ... veneration ) |" u* T0 u$ }% C4 J0 ~6 a# e2 n, \- g
    (D) shunned ... enmity - P- P  }9 ~, m
    (E) yearned for ... contempt & O  c- A# b" p3 \2 o
  : S7 a0 V5 ]- H. w
347. She has sufficient tact to ________ the ordinary crises of diplomatic life; however, even her diplomacy is insufficient to enable her to ________ the current emergency. 3 a  ~  P0 B: J7 h5 |
    (A) negotiate ... comprehend . F6 r1 b5 l1 [1 Z% g$ C
    (B) survive ... exaggerate " y% Q" b" O2 H1 L
    (C) handle ... weather * p2 u% A" B- ~$ H! u4 p
    (D) ignore ... transform & v' B3 Y  ^# m7 o- f8 p
    (E) aggravate ... resolve
- [5 G; d2 X' h7 ^6 e  8 [$ r4 u; |" i# O; n6 K. t
348. She is an interesting ________ , an infinitely       shy person who, in apparent contradiction, possesses an enormously intuitive ________ for understanding people.
7 E7 d) U$ a. p5 b    (A) aberration disdain
4 G$ f0 A3 B1 v- P    (B) caricature ... talent 2 q  u% Z+ z# I3 L4 J
    (C) specimen ... loathing
- h: S8 S( {& `$ X1 }7 \5 E    (D) phenomenon ... disinclination
) u% I7 A, h1 ~4 p! ]" M$ s    (E) paradox ... gift
6 v" N  H+ b3 j- Q  
, L, ~6 A5 k" d6 ?$ o) s! j349. She kept her late parents’ furniture, not for any ________ value it had, but for purely ________ reasons.
1 q1 l, V% r0 @  V& z  d    (A) potential ... monetary   t+ s  f$ z" `
    (B) ornamental ... aesthetic
0 q; W; p" b7 p/ A) C    (C) financial ... pecuniary  
$ N: H. C) ]5 v    (D) intrinsic ... sentimental 2 ~0 O7 D; q3 z7 o
    (E) personal ... accidental
2 Z: W6 R9 I1 [  
# C0 Z" e+ k' |0 c350. She maintained that the proposed legislation was ________ because it simply established an affirmative action task force without making any appropriate provision to fund such a force.
, C4 Z; ~( g, p: M) S    (A) inevitable 0 \" f" K. g+ Q/ x% i. j; h
    (B) inadequate   V; s8 `9 M5 _6 o. \* O% r
    (C) prudent , e  P5 L9 Q$ S5 X) O4 |" C
    (D) necessary " `4 g( N& b3 W* B0 m: b. l2 q
    (E) beneficial

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