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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题六十八

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
336. Rent control restrictions on small apartment owners may unfortunately ________ rather than alleviate housing problems. . J; m& C2 [2 A
    (A) resolve 8 I7 t5 C* f. q/ C
    (B) diminish
) Q& n. u0 G, v. Q    (C) castigate
+ N6 s0 p0 x" I) I( A    (D) minimize 3 h, v$ S! g) d* W6 c& m
    (E) exacerbate ! V9 U2 h% }+ d0 o. ^2 R- e; N
  ; F8 v  g2 a0 v4 S8 A
337. Repeat offenders who continue to drive under the influence of alcohol face having their drivers’ licenses permanently ________ . ' J$ v( Y. Y8 t* ?
    (A) issued
+ Z0 b7 T4 A; `. ~- u    (B) recorded ( S( F, L6 ]4 D2 P
    (C) authorized / a. f! b, E" j+ ?2 {1 ?
    (D) revoked
, i- S. e; T2 h& y    (E) disregarded
) w& }: _1 s6 J* x; f! t  
! e( a' X  K: _0 k+ @+ p6 H% A6 r8 j338. Rosa was such a last-minute worker that she could never start writing a paper till the deadline was ________ . ; a% p& r5 _& e
    (A) known
* p4 t% }; Y3 F8 p2 K    (B) problematic ) B9 w9 `1 s4 L* {" x0 Z" H
    (C) imminent   ?4 K  r1 i! ]7 e  z; G
    (D) superseded
* ], x% A* E" G$ J    (E) recent
+ m, ~" q8 V9 g. {  r' V; L  $ G4 `; G# P7 ^# n
339. Safire as a political commentator is patently never ________ ; he writes ________ editorials about every action the government takes.
/ E2 P+ F0 x' _  l) H/ Z* \    (A) content ... deferential
' w& Y0 |5 |4 R( ^% h! G+ ~3 R    (B) querulous ... biased
% y, Z6 U0 n" j2 h! ^' w  q1 B    (C) amazed ... bemused
- s. t) D2 R0 X7 D  n# @9 F    (D) overawed ... flattering
, x6 M( A0 J2 J6 y: [3 ~  P9 Z7 }    (E) satisfied ... peevish 5 [, B1 J6 b) N+ g2 Q8 C
: g" l0 ?5 F! @0 M- y% h340. Salvador Dali’s tendency to fabricate events makes it difficult for the biographer to tell the story of his life with any degree of ________ . & s& w; v$ J" E% O, r
    (A) vividness                 (B) accuracy
# s. l6 H4 i. H+ n1 I) v( ?0 D    (C) solemnity                 (D) spontaneity 4 |' d3 ~4 b  B( H- a. g( ~
    (E) artistry
! G( V6 o  ^" Y6 R0 n- }& D" D7 f- j EDCEB

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