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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题六十七

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
331. Precision of wording is necessary in good writing; by choosing words that exactly convey the desired meaning, one can avoid ________ . ) c+ m% g& t& ?& m, X- A! w$ B
    (A) redundancy 9 J* X% _; K* c7 U  ?8 e" k
    (B) complexity
/ }. q+ i$ X5 a7 A5 A    (C) duplicity
) N# ~5 t( f( a    (D) ambiguity ! o  s& u/ l4 n, F& [- C# Z, f. r
    (E) lucidity
) \9 A/ @/ [5 f& q9 j+ H  ' e: c# R& d  b; D
332. Publishers have discovered that black America is not a ________ of attitudes and opinions but a rich mixture lending itself to numerous expressions in print. / t  G9 d% i- A, L! |  e
    (A) concoction 7 E/ V# P9 A* _' S3 k. E
    (B) medley
! \9 B3 m" w* Z) I    (C) monolith 0 c- ?4 C, S- ]4 Q& H
    (D) paradox 3 ~% `6 _5 F0 P; T3 v
    (E) controversy
1 p6 `1 d! Z+ k7 u( Z  
$ c  Q+ ]3 r2 v: M1 ^8 s" M% r333. Quick-breeding and immune to most pesticides, cockroaches are so ________ that even a professional exterminator may fail to ________ them.   Y( G9 _. j. q/ d0 K3 C
    (A) vulnerable ... eradicate   M( v+ p7 e# B) v6 g
    (B) widespread ... discern
6 m9 w, g% ~& f1 T. D0 y0 C    (C) fragile ... destroy ' J+ U* g( T$ X" b$ n9 N
    (D) hardy ... eliminate
- E$ w  {; ?, N    (E) numerous ... detect
9 B7 ]+ @: ?$ p; j8 G* C- d  
9 K5 }9 o% Y8 R- {334. Rather than allowing these dramatic exchanges between her characters to develop fully, Ms. Norman unfortunately tends to ________ the discussions involving the two women. * d( h  W7 N. ]1 p8 o7 d& V
    (A) exacerbate
& r" D5 Q/ m, R- J8 M. Y5 a    (B) protract
) X1 B, t+ G: a4 c; C1 N" V: y8 y    (C) truncate 5 f# s) M4 R: ~
    (D) augment / d# A$ G; f3 w* S
    (E) elaborate 8 Q) u0 E, P  X
0 U  ?* y) G$ Q# X! j2 E335. Rebuffed by his colleagues, the initially ________ young researcher became increasingly ________  9 {- p! S2 s# }1 h1 j  N
    (A) outgoing ... withdrawn 9 d4 O0 n+ Q( ^7 D2 g3 Q
    (B) boisterous ... excitable ( l0 G; s! ]. p! H1 \4 e
    (C) diligent ... tolerant
: g. {& z: i: J8 d, V* _9 b    (D) theoretical ... pragmatic
3 n+ @! _& _! ]( F    (E) tedious ... polished
6 {( N. Z$ G$ @7 |# d- J DCDCA

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