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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题六十四

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
316. One of photography’s most basic and powerful traits is its ability to give substance to ________ , to present precise visual details of a time gone by.
# S+ b: I/ O( E& i' v* a    (A) romance
: ^% I' S4 b9 A0 m' A. v    (B) premonition
* N) L4 Y0 E  S& u; H, H& n% ~    (C) mysticism 2 ~) i; n( B6 x0 J* l9 x
    (D) invisibility / @8 t. l& C8 T, z/ [# i2 A
    (E) history 5 B% _, M( E9 v5 X. t2 h5 f
3 o5 ]4 S, {* j: K/ S317. One of the great killers until barely 50 years ago, tuberculosis ("consumption" as it was then named) seemed a scourge or ________ rather than the long-term ________ illness it was.
0 C4 x9 Z' f0 ]( v  [( I    (A) plague ... chronic
0 A- V- p' d- i- p) U/ C' s; _    (B) detriment ... ominous ) o1 C% j1 w! o- I3 D
    (C) antiseptic ... prevalent - K$ c: l4 Z2 j/ ^
    (D) vestige ... contemporary ' D! k6 k% [0 P& N
    (E) epidemic ... salutary
  ~' \: c  }8 x, n( G' U  
6 B" s3 j# b, L8 X- y" ]318. Only the fear of immediate ________ prevents that country from launching an attack.
9 u" D5 O, z" M8 U; z0 h    (A) reprisal
7 i7 B7 @- x' A1 Q8 r8 w; j    (B) surrender   ^$ ]& X1 v7 O9 i# u( ]
    (C) truce
* z8 n  r' H& V& D    (D) surveillance $ @1 a! Q4 ^1 S
    (E) rebuke ) d" G! d# o! d! U# S. Z
  / W. O1 |7 G0 k/ N2 K  f! V7 K% q- E
319. Our mood swings about the economy grow more extreme: when things go well, we become ________ ; when things go poorly,  ________ descends. 8 B" ^' D2 K" R! T4 v/ S6 `
    (A) restive ... anxiety 6 u" a0 b- t0 Q6 f2 ?* M' q
    (B) euphoric ... gloom % k" |& w' M9 v: h3 ?
    (C) prudent ... benevolence ; Z+ ?9 v+ c3 i6 v1 H
    (D) ascetic ... misery
- y1 w/ j$ B3 ?$ k( V  N    (E) ambivalence ... optimism
$ {2 S  C2 R1 j- f( T5 g' I5 u9 ]) D( o; H  
- Y0 a9 Y% ?1 p% v" o5 A. K320. Pain is the body’s early warning system: loss of ________ in the extremities leaves a person ________ injuring himself unwittingly. $ ^0 r5 A- ~- `4 u1 n# H8 U
    (A) agony ... in capable of
: T* k% ~4 O% `6 d    (B) sensation ... vulnerable to
0 x; |" g- `* q, X8 \' h! U    (C) consciousness ... desirous of 3 [6 L3 O$ a. x7 v3 I  j4 o
    (D) feeling ... habituated to + W% o+ @5 ?: ?4 {3 T0 |/ O8 L. S! }- I
    (E) movement ... prone to
8 X3 q8 A9 D7 I% U1 Q( s, |4 GEAABB

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