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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题六十八

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Like most other coastal towns in Norway, the town of Stavanger was quiet  - T. p$ z! J+ `7 k
and peaceful until the early 1960’s,   when it became Norway’s center for off- ) y, C- F5 n  ?' |- T5 A, ^  Q7 p
shore oil exploration.  Between then and now, violent crime and vandalism in  ) Q4 C6 v( I3 Y: A/ ]
Stavanger have greatly increased.  Stavanger’s social problems probably  
5 R  x; G: R8 b1 M9 c0 t resulted from the oil boom, since violent crime and vandalism have remained * e! _! t3 ]2 D9 B3 `7 `
low in coastal towns in Norway that have had no oil boom.
0 |2 W0 J8 w+ |. t1 |  ' P/ a/ i9 N! ^9 L  b7 R
Which of the following most accurately describes the method of reasoning  
; Y: ^" s: h: ~1 W9 K employed in the argument? " K" x1 M! r* p1 x
+ K5 q1 i2 e" H2 c$ n* N     A Arguing that a circumstance is not a precondition for a phenomenon ' C. y1 Z5 Q% I* ^3 ~
        on the grounds that the phenomenon sometimes occurs where the  
1 I3 s/ f: O3 a( n) Q        circumstance is not present   ' I! w. ]4 I. J. N. b1 d
     B Arguing that a circumstance is a cause of a phenomenon on the $ d0 a% _$ u; T2 w
        grounds that the phenomenon has not occurred where the circum- ! i+ D, x/ ]  y8 I2 A1 w
        stance is not present   
$ v5 d+ h/ k8 i: N. W& Q+ N5 p- M     C Arguing that a particular thing cannot have caused a phenomenon
- p; I1 \- s' v) m3 D$ b        because that thing was not present before the phenomenon occurred   * j4 W6 s" V3 B; Z8 N- F" C6 v
    D  Attempting to establish a claim by arguing that the denial of the claim is  ) G! s; r$ M& z+ r0 o3 V0 m
        inconsistent with the observed facts   
+ k7 @* y: O! v. q1 y      E Attempting to establish that certain circumstances that would have had ' C9 I2 ^# A* V" Q& c  p
        to occur for a particular explanation to be correct could not have
3 c' z; V6 g, z7 D7 W        occurred  9 ?) @9 G+ V& e# D5 W" E0 R

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