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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题八十七

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
431. The low-cost apartment buildings, new and well managed, are ________ to those accustomed to living in tenements ________ by shady characters.
3 S  B' r# m+ Z1 ]    (A) a boon … haunted
! G# {5 D( `7 `5 u( ?- f- T3 Y    (B) a specter … inhabited
; `3 x8 Y3 B  Y4 F    (C) an exodus … frequented
* w9 @3 L* s5 ~3 w2 c7 h    (D) an example … viewed % @7 D$ L4 z8 k  S+ f' L
    (E) a surprise … approached
) Z0 b' ?5 A. |, G; u6 j7 ~6 I  ! V2 S! v* A9 k7 E" }* c
432. The marketers’ ________ in donating the new basketball backboards to the school system are not solely ________ ; they plan to sell advertising space on the backboards. turning them into miniature billboards. ' }7 i+ @) {- E; L: A+ g7 E/ ^. N
    (A) losses ... obvious ; Z/ e! z' O) N* ^1 j+ z4 M
    (B) expectations ... peculiar
* u  q& D. f7 S: {; N- k/ {5 L1 W    (C) aims ... mercenary . }" V7 U# B  w5 r( [, l
    (D) reasons ... sensitive
0 Z5 a% a  v6 u6 R  v7 J9 {    (E) motivations ... philanthropic 4 P" M2 ]# C8 I" |. h
2 |. r" X, w, f8 ]7 `433. The mayor and school superintendent let their dispute over budget cuts ________ to ugly and destructive proportions.
# Y- N- P7 e, D8 i# u5 f; W" e8 b    (A) escalate # @5 z& }( h! U
    (B) automate
- G5 q5 e# h5 h, P    (C) stagnate
# e' n$ ?5 o6 R- p0 y* S: I; R    (D) condense
" X  E; L1 h6 {9 x( \" Q    (E) dwindle
' \# @, F$ F) ?% V6 j) L  ' q7 \; l  t- P0 `4 E. l! I
434. The members of the Better Government League vowed to ________ all traces of ________ between criminals and politicians. % X2 J( \  ]/ S6 C6 W
    (A) exterminate ... controversy
( m: q4 w* r5 j    (B) instigate ... contact
& ^" w% g% V% A4 b9 m3 \$ a    (C) abhor ... animosity
* f0 i/ V4 F' @! w% `8 _( _$ o4 N* }    (D) eradicate ... collusion
  y6 |$ L$ F+ `) [    (E) impound ... ties . q: ]6 x6 C# \) C* p" N7 d; ^
  3 @8 S4 B/ @. {( R2 i
435. The moon was hidden and the night had grown very dark; she had to ________ to see.
  k# q( g+ W! k    (A) blink   ~7 r5 V0 n' _& V" {
    (B) strain
# [9 A, A/ Y& v6 d+ ]9 V    (C) mask
  [, H- r) u) m. G    (D) remember
; e6 c2 H" M7 u7 L5 T1 ^    (E) reflect # ]" u( ~+ ^0 D" N4 ?3 ^0 D& Z

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