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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题八十四

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
416. The faculty senate warned that, if its recommendations were to go unheeded, the differences between the administration and the teaching staff would be ________ and eventually rendered irreconcilable. ' D* i7 s2 ?: w& r
    (A) rectified
. o$ e; t0 W; D! P+ u. r$ A+ w    (B) exacerbated , K, l# O9 E3 d
    (C) imponderable % W# H" Z+ K) x
    (D) eradicated ) E1 Q6 s  P' ]4 a" t% l, e% }
    (E) alienated + A3 F5 D! G' R( g- P
) O0 K8 q8 r  D8 k; x417. The fire marshalls spend many hours seeking the cause of the ________ in which so many people were killed and so many others hospitalized with major bums. 6 _* l. {& h* X0 [) C
    (A) maelstrom + \# B( L; u6 r3 @( C
    (B) labyrinth
7 y( V; F! z$ A2 {: \5 Q* B    (C) conflagration
1 Y' f- l, u8 p% j2 S; @; L4 Z    (D) torpor 3 r: @/ w7 J& H2 h. @4 @
    (E) carnage
; l$ X; f- W; E, P  
  |5 v0 }9 `0 r9 L, Y418. The governor’s imposition of martial law on the once-peaceful community was the last straw, so far as the lawmakers were - [! D) l; @. Y: j- R( [2 l
concerned: the legislature refused to function until martial law was ________ .
9 o" ]; \7 [. O    (A) reaffirmed % G6 [; `, A( |# J) _
    (B) reiterated
9 c( M: _; Q- ~7 T& k& c, n& M! g    (C) inaugurated 6 {/ K3 U# z* v$ l: @
    (D) rescinded
6 ^4 ~6 ]; ]4 M; j% q8 C    (E) prolonged
/ Y0 _! y: }' e  Z' g: u  
  i0 ~. ~8 P' S" Z" Y419. The guerrillas were so ________ that the general had to develop various strategies to trap them. : o2 v) P- |0 ?) O) _1 s
    (A) distant 3 y9 \4 {2 r* y: Y# y- s% W- w( {
    (B) wild * O; g+ m  v8 v! _
    (C) unreasonable
0 d4 u5 @: W4 x% l! s7 B5 |    (D) elusive , o9 j( q* ~7 Q& ]9 r
    (E) cruel
2 j( U( D3 d& x% M" C  
7 @5 Z5 j+ ?5 v6 @  L# @420. The herb Chinese parsley is an example of what we mean by an acquired taste: Westerners who originally ________ it eventually come to ________ its flavor in Oriental foods.
% o3 H7 x, m8 x& Y  v) ?' ^    (A) relish ... enjoy
: ?9 N2 I9 a- ~& b& ?+ E) t    (B) dislike ... welcome
1 y, B! ~& f5 Q8 Q% e3 V    (C) savor ... abhor
( `/ B+ s3 h: g9 e    (D) ignore ... detest . F/ p( N9 b! M: O+ U
    (E) discern ... recognize " B; v$ M, w+ C/ S) x8 t" W

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