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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题八十三

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
411. The developing brain can be likened to a highway system that ________ use: less traveled roads may be abandoned, popular roads broadened, and new ones added where they are needed.
6 ^5 j7 O6 o  A2 ~* k    (A) suffers from ; n  _" V  V- ?7 x, Y  |& }+ n
    (B) evolves with
4 |' b5 K' x/ c    (C) detours around 5 r2 e; [" F: p1 i/ D3 m# z. v$ A0 l
    (D) atrophies with
5 a- q% h- ~, M+ [. ?    (E) buckles under 7 N# T9 Y0 ]" D6 Z/ a9 c2 M' z
' I$ |; h+ t5 t) Y412. The discovery by George Poinar and Roberta Hess that amber could preserve intact tissue from million-year-old insects ________ the possibility, since proved correct, that it also could preserve intact DNA.
4 Y3 n8 E% E' q: f. A  x    (A) eliminated
4 m3 `! q/ M4 J    (B) distorted
# ]% P8 R7 k; H; s$ x, J3 B8 `    (C) raised
( H4 i/ x% E9 A    (D) precluded
: \4 }/ F4 G0 y5 `+ B5 V    (E) predestined
+ i: `2 r$ h, l7 V9 a% G  
  D7 e3 ]! e( G# [413. The dispute became so ________ that we were afraid the adversaries would come to blows.
4 a+ `& h/ G  K+ I/ |    (A) ironic 3 v* ?9 T8 v8 g
    (B) generalized ' h! [) Y& N. O) p. }1 H
    (C) didactic
3 t5 W3 J. ?# I9 r  h2 M8 o    (D) articulate
' D! \0 A2 m7 b1 h2 F" M9 s    (E) acrimonious / J  e$ x) D' Q+ r$ G- [& `: s
    i* ~+ Q: ]6 B+ O/ u5 \7 j
414. The eighteenth century was a kind of golden age in deaf history because with the establishment of deaf schools, deaf people emerged from ________ and began to appear in positions of eminence and ________ as writers, engineers, philosophers, and intellectuals.
! z- W. _. k" {! g# i$ j    (A) retirement ... ambiguity * h4 r1 f: ?# L
    (B) seclusion ... compromise " \7 Q6 q: V2 k9 `4 H
    (C) obscurity ... responsibility
3 o6 v, C& F- |5 g6 t    (D) hiding ... ignominy
& n, @- U( p; J, u  R    (E) solicitude ... disrepute
* ?. @: n3 y( T0 G5 P1 m    ]- f6 M# J4 {; u9 O! U1 `
415. The enemy soldiers were hot in pursuit; desperate, the fugitive sought ________ in the village church. ! S" W2 z0 t# m8 x# S) m! f
    (A) salvation
( S& |. T4 E) }5 D, p: x8 G; K    (B) sanctuary
' g4 |( t7 I& Y4 c    (C) confirmation 3 y+ s7 R! @% }; c4 \) I! }; i
    (D) therapy
+ }4 d) ]$ a* _2 a8 }8 Z# d1 I# w    (E) repudiation

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