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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题八十

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Jean:  Studies show that professional engineers whose first job assignment is highly  / n. X/ t3 q+ I) [" O
        challenging tend to perform more successfully on subsequent assignments over  
& S% `3 I: o# I7 W+ {/ ]        the next five years than do engineers whose first assignment is less challenging.   : R; `/ v3 A/ ~) {& `: v
        Presumably, high-challenge tasks lead engineers to develop professional skills  
/ i/ U+ {3 @* ]        that serve to raise their performance level on subsequent assignments.   0 X0 @5 s& _; m; Y$ [. i7 i$ D
* Y7 l0 \0 O$ N9 M4 tPat:    But perhaps engineers who are given challenging first assignments are precisely  
. S8 x7 y& b) f- q" ^( @9 W6 t( j4 X        those who are judged to be most able.   
$ p! I, e4 ?8 I. F; P1 v  3 H/ S! P9 I9 o$ B$ @4 C& [4 M8 x
  Which of the following, if true, would be the strongest counter for Jean to make to Pat’s  " p1 X0 d) ^. g7 F' G+ k
objection? ) P  S3 v; l. x* [: m
  1 i- s' P1 ^# |( x$ n" z
  1 j! K" e5 i! X0 |
    A    Among engineers judged to be equally able, those whose first assignment is highly  
& ~4 n( P0 x/ {, F" V. ~       challenging perform more successfully on subsequent assignments than do those  
2 j; [9 E* a& z! L2 {6 M       whose first assignment is less challenging.   3 D  m- m* Z9 @
    B  Even some of the engineers whose first assignment is not very challenging neverthe- ! H6 v$ a, h9 k: Y
       less develop their professional skills through performing that assignment.   
, t3 H, Z; v* ^7 S1 ]    C   The engineers who successfully carry out their first assignment are to a large degree
8 n9 X2 P! i7 x2 K3 V  s- ]$ e; F( a       those who were initially judged to have the greatest ability.   
# P2 C/ n6 q6 d& r" ^/ ?9 c; ^% Y    D   The rate of successful completion is lower for the least challenging first assignments  
4 N" o! K6 _$ W3 N       than it is for the most challenging first assignments.   
  a4 y" O1 j/ _. ]4 @   E   Among engineers whose first assignment is not very challenging, those who success- " i4 {2 v+ N0 [  H' E/ y, p/ n
8 K: L9 X' H% T1 P! `       fully carry out that first assignment are more likely to be given highly challenging  
- a# u) x9 p$ y6 D% a/ u       subsequent assignments.  0 B7 i6 N& A4 g! ]$ P$ q

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