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[GRE模拟] 新GRE小短文阅读练习题七十七

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Our sunglasses block not only ultraviolet light, which is invisible and severely damaging
- R6 t' w3 V5 r; _8 U1 K. I" Rto the eyes, but also the visible violet light that closest to ultraviolet light in the spec-
: w$ `6 Z5 K* vtrum.  Experiments have shown that this visible violet light can also be damaging to the
% r- E$ B  k  P3 S/ f2 X8 seyes.  Since all other sunglasses at best block only ultraviolet light, wearing our sun-
. s  x$ W( [8 Y0 l* J$ rglasses will significantly improve eye protection for everyone who spends time outdoors.8 }8 f, u" p" U1 d
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?9 q5 ?, I8 E/ y0 ^7 R
     A   Consumers who buy sunglasses are often more interested in the styling of the
! d1 k# v6 [; c) P        sunglasses' frames than in any potential protection to their eyes from the most
7 E/ ^+ l0 S) t! ?        harmful effects of sunlight.  ) b  L1 G  [2 f
     B   The visible violet light closest to ultraviolet light in the spectrum is not generally 1 ?0 \* q- R9 A& Y/ b* i6 E; R7 F
        encountered at intensities strong enough to damage the eyes except under . k, u9 b$ S9 U+ H- o
        laboratory conditions.  , c0 e  K8 ^) Y& @
    C   Wearing sunglasses that block the visible violet light closest to ultraviolet light in the
4 j2 |& e. Z. T: Y% w+ j7 S        spectrum will not appreciably affect the sharpness of people's visual images.    ]1 w: s1 X* F, s
  D     The experiments mentioned in the advertisement were conducted at a major univer-
( ^6 M% @8 j! ~: a0 D& Y5 v        sity by professors who did not plan to have their research used in support of a
" l1 v! ?. L. N- r6 J        commercial product.  3 |0 n/ X1 U, m1 ]: m- M( i
    E   Some people who have not worn sunglasses on a regular basis enjoy excellent
% @/ t  v" S% j6 Z' A        eyesight into advanced old age.  
% B4 l5 M. g% Y! w. I2 I6 l8 s答案:B

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