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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题七十八

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
386. The abundance and diversity of insects is the cumulative effect of an extraordinarily low ________ rate: bugs endure. 2 R' H6 q6 G5 n% c) @* d9 q
    (A) metabolic ! L5 W" `6 U: S3 W1 l
    (B) density . N- u" ^' h+ S/ u4 k8 B
    (C) extinction - J2 f% @' L/ s: J# q2 S+ _/ x
    (D) percentage 6 d! S0 S. S: B5 k" z" O$ f
    (E) standard
$ r9 q; n2 c, k! K, w9 X  
/ N) v/ g( P# B387. The actor’s stories of backstage feuds and rivalry might be thought ________ were there not so many corroborating anecdotes from other theatrical personalities.
6 u0 M7 U5 O* L% n% Z, N    (A) pantomime , }' v5 O+ w2 d. f. q+ ]5 h5 v# o
    (B) ambiguity
; E5 x! [. A/ F1 i$ Y; P' e    (C) approbation ; g( x" o, ?3 V6 D, O9 }* i! q
    (D) hyperbole
! f* H, c- S+ c6 e5 u( @5 s    (E) vainglory
3 Q7 W6 S) c+ S/ Q  
0 ~8 I- b2 ]4 k7 i388. The advocates of anarchy are ignoring the ________ such a form of government will bring with it. * ?- U0 ]. a* u: P; \/ H0 Q
    (A) chaos
6 D# f' i+ d. [! u    (B) restrictions
; v3 h9 K  S% t) B* e7 f% K! U    (C) advantages
. ]$ }; B0 V2 K. o  r    (D) renewal 1 J2 A" r* q8 t9 y% r
    (E) compromises
9 r# g" z' v- P) A5 v' p% X  
! s& A" E9 ^2 s) r. l3 W" L389. The amusements of modern urban people tend more and more to be ________ and to consist of the ________ of the skilled activities of others.
0 ]4 l. t8 R" l  s% X# e    (A) strenuous ... contemplation - c: Q* C" H$ y7 k
    (B) healthful ... enjoyment - C! G% e6 q) b; R) W
    (C) solitary ... sharing 2 j0 B6 g; ^% Z* Q" O
    (D) passive ... observation
0 k$ X) ^" ?. n9 x/ g9 K    (E) intellectual ... repetition
& o- _' u$ @( x8 D3 ]  . e1 j) k. l. ^8 w+ x/ E
390. The aorta is like a tree trunk from which other major arteries ________ .
9 u; [3 @4 r1 g7 x3 s" U6 o    (A) escape 1 B  k  M4 [. e4 M( X
    (B) subtract
' H! K2 e( m1 g) `    (C) clamber down ) v4 H& T& m; S8 f! X) A& N2 Y6 r
    (D) branch off
" [  ~6 _( A- c0 @% y4 @1 U- Y* Z- N    (E) strip away 5 [1 O8 g+ ?8 k

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