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[GRE模拟] 新GRE考试填空模拟练习题七十七

发表于 2012-8-15 12:40:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
381. The Apache are a ________ society, where husbands typically move into wives’ dwellings and women take the leadership role in family affairs. 5 O3 ^5 v/ V# O/ `
    (A) sedentary                 (B) defunct
+ {, k) L' m4 `+ q" n- K( E    (C) fragmented                (D) matrilineal
! Q3 ]0 y4 r# h" g7 S9 `, P    (E) xenophobic 6 ^$ {  v7 ^( v+ r4 Y
  & N2 E! J# V: U9 p, s8 o4 u: h
382. The Battle of Lexington was not, as most of us have been taught, a ________ rising of individual fanners, but was instead a tightly organized, well-planned event.
& [; h+ G2 X4 _2 m# G) A    (A) premeditated
" F2 F1 f  M+ ^9 G% y4 I& U& c+ Y    (B) cautionary
# o2 a: W0 g: p  Q+ |) V    (C) spontaneous
- s8 k2 j: B5 t; Z- u. Z' _' d    (D) coordinated % a9 x) u0 S; x1 f8 w
    (E) theoretical
3 V+ j+ X" P, \* ?9 N) d  0 @) c7 l5 v$ c  B: A$ E* s
383. The Cabinet member’s resignation was not a total ________ : rumors of his imminent departure had been making the rounds in Washington for a week.
3 h/ o/ \) z) J) ~; x    (A) withdrawal 6 ^& l+ S& b5 i: e  c
    (B) success
9 c* l, w3 C# ^2 O$ T; X    (C) shock
0 x7 n: `4 H1 ^) a& {$ m    (D) eclipse 6 t7 u# B) S# Z( v
    (E) pretense
1 i# G, Q& `& I  - W( S5 B: [9 k& J# }. P8 Z
384. The TV news magazine sits precisely at the ________ of information and entertainment, for while it is not a silly sitcom, it is not a documentary either. ' b- I1 g& C. a- j* Q. m5 d
    (A) foundation
8 x  q5 t& ?$ s3 {    (B) juncture
3 x, P, m& u- [1 T1 y1 [    (C) cessation 5 U: z( _$ z  M4 ~: a9 W
    (D) institution 2 p9 _+ Q2 C0 W( U
    (E) eclipse
* L/ y9 D1 n5 {  
. j. o- N- \0 [$ g( Z+ c6 u385. The Turner Network’s new production is an absorbing Heart of Darkness, watchful, surreptitious, almost ________ as it waits to ________ our emotions.
7 R$ i. y5 ~9 t! |    (A) lighthearted ... cater to
: v& e# {/ r5 d1 k) N4 R    (B) melancholy ... cheer up
8 S4 o, T8 u, x# T  m    (C) mercenary ... pay for
% S0 v( U5 Z- Q  ~' }1 b$ G    (D) predatory ... pounce on
2 M4 L3 F7 y# H3 S* k' ^    (E) furtive ... figure out / G' u. |: I2 r

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